
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Create decent jobs, Finnegan urges govt

Create decent jobs, Finnegan urges govt
By Kelvin Tembo
Monday June 16, 2008 [04:00]

GOVERNMENT should double its efforts in creating decent jobs, International Labour Organisation (ILO) country representative Gerry Finnegan has said. In an interview, Finnegan said decent work would help bring back the labour force that had gone to work outside the country.

"People only migrate because no better jobs have been provided by government, hence the need to double up efforts in creating better jobs," he said.

Finnegan said it was the government's duty to ensure that good jobs were created to avoid leaving an option for people to look for work outside the country. He said the growth of the country's economy should also be translated into good jobs for the people.

Finnegan said the government should look at economic investments and policies that were employment friendly. He said whatever developments government achieved, should at least, be translated into jobs.

Finnegan said currently, not many decent jobs were being created for the young people. He said the government should create employment for people in the compounds. Finnegan said the government could partner with financial institutions to create projects in the compounds that could create employment for locals only.

"Government can link up with commercial service providers to create strategies to upgrade compounds which will in turn create some jobs for the young people in the compounds," he said.

Finnegan also advised the government to encourage the private sector to invest in job creation.

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