Tuesday, June 24, 2008

‘Dispatch officers to Angola-Zambia border’

‘Dispatch officers to Angola-Zambia border’
By Lambwe Kachali
Tuesday June 24, 2008 [04:00]

THE parliamentary committee on estimates has called on the government to immediately dispatch officers to Zambia's border with Angola in Shang'ombo district, which is currently manned by one immigration officer. In an interview, committee chairperson Godfrey Beene said among all the borders the committee visited, Shang'ombo border post was the most porous.

Beene, who is currently leading the parliamentary committee that is touring Zambia's border posts, said it was extremely sad that the country was losing a lot of revenue on Shang'ombo border post due to lack of manpower.

He said the situation at the Zambia-Angola border in Shang'ombo left much to be desired.

"So far, we have visited Mwami border, Chanida border between Mozambique and Zambia, Victoria Falls border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, and Kazungula border between Zambia and Namibia. All of them are porous but Shang'ombo border post is the worst as it is manned by only one immigration officer. This officer does the patrolling and banking of money collected. He has completely lost touch because he has no transport," Beene said.

He said whenever that immigration officer went to deposit money at the bank in Senanga District, the border had to be closed. Beene further said there was no security at the post where the collected revenue could be kept.

He said since January this year, Shang'ombo border post had been manned by one immigration officer, a situation he described as uncalled for and embarrassing.
"This border could be a threat to national security. Also, a lot of money is being lost.

So far this officer is only able to collect US$300 per month, and when he collects this money, there is no security because he keeps it in his own house or in the drawers at his office, which is very dangerous. Many people, who are going in and out of Zambia do not use the crossing point," Beene said.

"The officer is completely stressed as he has no transport. He has to bank the money using hired transport in Senanga, almost 220 kilometres from Shang'ombo and the road is bad. It is an extremely serious situation which needs immediate attention by government and there should be no excuse."

Beene also appealed to Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) to send officers to the area if the country was to increase its revenue base.

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