
Friday, June 06, 2008

EU sets aside K62bn for agricultural development

EU sets aside K62bn for agricultural development
By Fridah Zinyama
Friday June 06, 2008 [04:00]

THE European Commission (EC) has allocated a total grant of K62 billion to support the development of agriculture and the private sector in Zambia. During the official handover ceremony at Tecla Lodge yesterday, EU head of delegation, Dr Derek Fee said out of the K62 billion, K29 billion had been granted to the Zambia Bureau of Standards to improve the agency’s service delivery capacity under the EC –funded Capacity Building for Private Sector Development Programme (CBPSDP).

“The grant will be used to purchase new equipment for four new test laboratories, refurbish the laboratories and other capacity building activities,” he said.
Dr Fee said the Commission has further awarded a total of K8 billion in grants to eight projects under the CBPSDP.

“The support is designed to assist private sector intermediary organisations to better serve their members’ interests and to assist civil society organisations to contribute to the development of an enabling environment for private sector-led economic growth,” he said.

Dr Fee said out of the eight projects, six were submitted by private sector intermediary organisations and would receive about K7 billion through the CBPSDP.
“The projects are expected to enhance the capacity and sustainability of the beneficiary private sector intermediary organisations, consequently improving their existing services or introducing new services,” he said. “The other two successful projects, worth about K1 billion, were submitted by civil society organisations.

Dr Fee explained that these projects would contribute to the participation of civil society organisations in essential economic issues, including trade policy and private sector activities.

“This is meant to encourage civil society influence and to maximise its role in poverty reduction activities in Zambia,” he said.
Meanwhile, the EC has given a total of K25 billion in grants to seven projects under the EC – funded Support to Agricultural Diversification and Food Security in Western and North-Western provinces.
The seven projects will explore innovative ways to support communities and small-scale farmers in the two provinces to better utilise market opportunities.

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