
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Girasoli urges dialogue for stable democracy in Africa

Girasoli urges dialogue for stable democracy in Africa
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Saturday June 28, 2008 [04:01]

VATICAN Ambassador to Zambia Apostolic Nuncio Nicola Girasoli has said stability and democracy in Africa can only be reached through dialogue and a persuasive attitude. In welcoming the bishops who are attending the Association of Member Episcopal Conference in Eastern Africa (AMECEA), which starts today and ends on July 6 under the theme ‘Reconciliation, Justice and Peace’, Archbishop Girasoli said in this world, where globalisation took over nationalism and selfishness, international isolation was the worst that could happen to a country or to a community.

He said reconciliation through justice meant being ready to move a step forward and to acknowledge one’s own limits.

Archbishop Girasoli said what was impossible to achieve by a single person or government may be achieved collectively.

He said Africa was a continent of smiles and tears.
“This causes concern. The Church has to be an instrument of reconciliation and promotion of social justice, thus preventing more calamities.

The events of these days, let us understand more that the solution for stability and democracy in this beloved continent and especially in this region can be reached only through dialogue and a persuasive attitude which overcomes the borders of a single country,” he said.

Archbishop Girasoli said the AMECEA region had remarkably reached a substantial progress to be a prophetic voice by speaking out and practicing the service of reconciliation, justice and peace.

He said this plenary could also strengthen links of cooperation among the local churches in the region in order to achieve a more concrete impact for improving the everyday life of people.

“Do not be afraid of reconciliation, at all levels in society, in politics and in the Church. In fact, reconciliation leads to unity, which is a supreme value for people and society.

We have to be ready to dialogue and to put aside our own views. In a word, we all have to be ready to be more flexible and to be open especially in those matters concerning social justice and a peaceful living,” he said.

Archbishop Girasoli said the mission of the Church was to proclaim the good news.

“This is about deep spirituality, moral responsibility, cultural respect, economic liberation, social tranquillity, amicability, deliverance from structures of sin, healing heart and body from unbearable diseases.

During your Plenary Assembly, you have a unique opportunity of working together towards these mentioned topics. Do your best for growing mutual respect and acceptance among Africans first and to the greater world,” said Archbishop Girasoli.

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