Tuesday, June 17, 2008

(HERALD) 247 MDC-T members defect

247 MDC-T members defect
Bindura Bureau

TWO hundred and forty-seven MDC-T supporters in Bindura North, South and Mt Darwin East in Mashonaland Central Province have dumped the opposition party and rejoined Zanu-PF. The largest number to leave the MDC-T was recorded in Bveke area where about 103 people announced their reunion with the ruling Zanu-PF party in Mt Darwin East constituency.

The other 100 were from Bindura North constituency, which is mainly Bindura urban while the remaining 44 switched allegiance in Mupandira area, Musana communal lands in Bindura South constituency.

Cde Christopher Chigwande, the then MDC-T Mt Darwin constituency chairman, spoke of his decision to abandon the opposition at Bveke Secondary School.

"After toiling for the MDC-T during the harmonised elections, I did not get the promised money besides the $100 million. I teamed up with my colleagues and decided to make a follow up in Harare where hell broke loose," Cde Chigwande said.

He said he and his colleagues were forced to stay at Harvest House in Harare for three weeks after being told those responsible for the payment of their money had travelled.

"We stayed at Harvest House for three weeks where we were given food once a day, in the afternoon.

"There was a critical shortage of plates such that at times we ended up receiving food in our hands," he said.

On realising he was on a wild goose chase Cde Chigwande said he decided to ask for bus fare to go back home.

"I was given $1,2 billion which was inadequate. That was only the money I got from MDC-T despite having been promised lump sums earlier before the elections. We were exploited," he said.

Mt Darwin East Member of the House of Assembly-elect Cde Betty Chikava said the June 27 presidential run-off was a matter of choosing between freedom and war.

Cde Chikava said Zimbabwe was currently fighting not the MDC-T but its Western masters.

"What they want is our wealth. You should go out in large numbers and vote for President Mugabe, a fearless leader with the people at heart," she said. She said Zanu-PF did not hate opposition parties but preferred home grown parties and not foreign funded and controlled ones like MDC-T. Mt Darwin Senator-elect Cde Alice Chimbudzi reminded Zimbabweans that Zimbabwe did not come on a silver platter and should not be let to go easily.



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