
Monday, June 23, 2008

(HERALD) Conscientise children of Zim’s history: Mujuru

Conscientise children of Zim’s history: Mujuru
Chinhoyi Bureau

Parents should constantly remind their children of the humiliation they endured under white colonial rule as a way of fostering appreciation of the freedom they enjoy now, Vice President Joice Mujuru has said. Addressing rallies in Mhondoro at the weekend, Cde Mujuru said adults should be the custodians of the nation’s history and ideals that are founded on the alter of sacrifice by people such as President Mugabe and other liberation war fighters, living or dead.

She said parents should be paragons of the defence from the imperialist onslaught to born-frees.

"As parents and the elderly who experienced the pain and humiliation during the time we were under white supremacist rule, you should remain steadfast in the face of the challenges we are currently facing and always explain to your children what you and I went through.

"There is no greater gift you can leave your children than the land which we fought for," she said.

Cde Mujuru said there was nothing as humiliating as an elderly black man saying "piccaninny baas" to the children of his white employer or enduring the vagaries of weather at the back of a truck while a dog seated in the front.

The fight for freedom, Cde Mujuru said, was premised on the need to extricate black people’s dignity from the jaws of a bloated white man’s ego and a system of exclusion crafted over 90 years of colonialism and restore complete ownership and control of resources such as land and the system of governance as championed by President Mugabe.

She said President Mugabe was not only fighting for Zimbabweans but Africans and other oppressed people around the world and the reaction by the West was aimed at extinguishing the passion and ideals of self-rule and determination espoused by Zimbabwe before it spreads.

"Dzimwe nyika dzakatikomberedza dzirikuti dai veZimbabwe mashingirira makunda patiri pekuda kudzora hupfumi hwedu mumaoko edu vatema nekuti hapana imwe nyika kana mutungamiri akwanisa kuita zviri kuitwa nevaMugabe neZanu-PF. Varungu zvavarikuita ndiyo inonzi zarisisai, zviya zvinoita madzimai kuti vanorova mwana pamberi pevamwe vasina chavapara semuenzaniso kuti vasazozviitewo," she said.

She castigated opposition MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai for calling for sanctions and even his audacity to boast at a rally that the people of Zimbabwe would experience more hunger, describing the utterance as not befitting a leader who had the interests of the people at heart.

Cde Mujuru said people should not rely on handouts from donors as that was the loophole being exploited to further Western hegemony, saying after all the food was bought mainly with money from the sale of minerals exploited in the country which are being smuggled out of the country and cannot be accounted for.

The food from NGOs, she said, would not last them a lifetime but land is a means to getting sustenance for life.

Earlier, Cde Mujuru toured Mamina Irrigation Project where she handed over three tractors, planters, boom sprayers and ploughs, among other equipment, before urging people to choose leaders on merit to run the project to realise good yields.

At Nyamweda Business Centre she gave two tractors to be used to till land for widows and other disadvantaged people in the community such as orphans and the elderly.

Cde Mujuru later toured a piggery project in Dzumbunu Village which is nearing completion.

The project is a partnership between people in the community and Triple C Piggeries.

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