
Friday, June 20, 2008

(HERALD) Continue writing about sanctions

Continue writing about sanctions

EDITOR — Allow me space to briefly comment on the shibboleth about free and fair elections, which I believe your paper can develop further. Maybe this is a point that is unknown to MDC-T although their Western financiers are definitely aware of it that once you impose sanctions, you forfeit the right to talk about them.

For, sanctions are a form of illegal and unfair pressure to achieve an electoral result. And in this case the sanctions are meant to give MDC-T and the West a winning result.

I also want to underscore that Zimbabweans and election observers for the June 27 poll should know and admit that the playing field that is already being ravaged by sanctions is not level.

Thus politically-motivated violence should not be the major yardstick used to come to a conclusion on whether the environment is conducive for the conduct of a free and fair election.

This violence is premised against a historical background, which is the imposition of illegal sanctions by the West when Government embarked on the land reform programme.

We are also aware that Tsvangirai and his Western backers cannot deplore sanctions since they are an economic form of violence.

The same with the local private and Western negative propaganda.

If Zimbabwe’s own media is one-tracked, obsessive opponents of one side in the battle then never say anything about The Herald or ZBC.

June 27 is a do-or-die day, and media outlets like yourselves should ensure that until the revolution is successfully executed and won, you should continue to write about sanctions and their consequences over and over again.

This is the only way to make people understand where the blame should be apportioned.

David Mkhize.

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