
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

(HERALD) Govt probes business over empty shelves

Govt probes business over empty shelves
Herald Reporter

GOVERNMENT is investigating the flooding of locally-produced basic commodities in neighbouring countries when shelves here are empty, President Mugabe has said. Addressing thousands of Zanu-PF supporters in Mutoko yesterday, Cde Mugabe castigated some businesses for pursuing the illegal regime change agenda.

"VaGono vaindiudza musi uno kuti takange tichida kutenga sugar kuNamibia. They (Namibians) said the sugar that we wanted to buy came from us (Zimbabwe). Tiri pakuongorora nyaya yacho. Tine vanhu varipakuputsa nyika yedu neHurumende nehumenemene," he said.

President Mugabe said the current wave of price hikes was not in response to corresponding increases in production costs as claimed by business. He said the Government would sit down with business and assist where necessary.

"Tichagara pasi navo kuti chii chiri kumbonetsa, kana iri foreign currency tokupai mitengo idzike."

President Mugabe warned that the Govern-ment would take over businesses that unilaterally increase prices to inflict pain on the people in order to cause a revolt.

He urged people not to lose heart because of the current economic difficulties.

"Tirivanhu vane nhoroondo. Haungati nekuti dambudziko randirwadzisa handichada musangano, handichada Chimurenga," he said.

President Mugabe said the fluke win by MDC-T in the March 29 harmonised elections did not mean that the opposition party’s support base had increased.

"Mavhoti eMDC tichicherechedza neemuna 2005 akadona ne100 000. Havana kuwana mavhoti matsva," he said.

President Mugabe said Zanu-PF did not trounce MDC-T in the March polls because thousands of its supporters did not vote and urged the supporters to come out in large numbers on June 27.

He called for unity in the party in order to defeat MDC-T and keep the Zanu-PF Government in power.

"Rambai makabatana tiri kutungamirirwa nemusangano weropa; ndiwo watinoda kuti urambe urimuHurumende. Ini ndakamirira musangano. Ndikahwina party yahwina, ndikaruza iparty yaruza. Hurumende haizobva kuparty yedu."

President Mugabe said MDC-T was a puppet of the West bent on reversing the gains of the liberation struggle.

"Tsvangirai akabvunzwa kuti ukahwina chii chauchazoita zvikanzi ndinongomononora zvese. He will reverse all the policies asi chikuru chiripo is the land policy," he said.

Cde Mugabe said whites trooped back into the country and threatened to reclaim their former farms following premature reports that Tsvangirai had won the March elections.

"Makaona zvakaitika? Varungu vakadhirika vakauya mumapurazi. Ndomafaro akange ava nevarungu iwayo."

The First Lady, Amai Grace Mugabe, pledged to buy trucks for farmers in Mutoko for the easy transportation of their produce to the market.

Retired General Solomon Mujuru, Mashonaland East Governor Cde Ray Kaukonde, Cde Elliot Manyika and other senior party officials attended the rally.

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