
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

(HERALD) Help strengthen inter-country relations, Govt told

Help strengthen inter-country relations, Govt told
Herald Reporter

COMMUNITIES living along the Zambezi Valley escarpment have called on Government to strengthen relationships with neighbouring countries as they have inter-dependence with communities living along the borders of neighbouring countries. A councillor for Chapoto Ward in Kanyemba, Mbire District, Mashonaland Central Province located in the north-western tip of Zimbabwe’s border with Mozambique and Zambia, Mr Christmas Kachasu, said the three communities were socially inter-dependent.

Mr Kachasu said villagers from Chapoto buy daily groceries such as bread and soap and other necessities, seek medical treatment in either Zambia’s Luangwa or Mozambique’s Zumbo villages instead of travelling to their nearest shopping centre at Mushumbi Pools.

Chapoto Village is less than 10km of either Mozambique or Zambia as compared to about 100km to Mushumbi Pools for the same services.

"Our referral hospital is Chitsungo Mission, which is in Mushumbi Pools whereas Zumbo Rural Health Centre in Tete, Mozambique is just across the river therefore, in most cases we go across to seek health care or other daily needs," Mr Kachasu said.

Sharing of resources and collaboration in developmental initiatives between the three border communities of Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia is termed the ZIMOZA Cross Border Collaboration.

"We are appealing for political commitment from our leadership to recognise and maintain the relationship that we have with our relatives across.

"Although the valley separates us, we are affected by the same problems. This requires a combined strategy by our governments in seeking solutions to common problems," said Mr Chitsungo.

A health official from Mozambique, who preferred anonymity for protocol reasons, echoed his Zimbabwean counterpart’s sentiments saying the three communities — Kanyemba, Zumbo and Luangwa — had a stronger relationship compared to their country’s district centres.

"Some of our relatives are in Zimbabwe while some are in Zambia so we are just the same people hence there is no reason for not working together.

"However, shortages of resources sometimes hinder our cross border collaboration programmes," he said.

Member of House of Assembly elect for Mbire Constituency, Cde Paul Mazikana, echoed sentiments from his colleges saying some non-governmental organisations reach to communities in Zumbo and Luangwa through Kanyemba.

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