
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

(HERALD) Let’s unite and defend Zimbabwe

Let’s unite and defend Zimbabwe

EDITOR — Allow me to provoke fellow Zimbabweans, or fellow comrades, as we head for the make-or-break presidential run-off on June 27. We must all remember that Zimbabwe is our country, a country that we liberated at the cost of thousands of lives as our youthful freedom fighters and parents sacrificed their lives to emancipate this great territory we call Zimbabwe.

Ours is a country that we love as independent as it is. Ours is a country whose land has been returned to its rightful owners, indigenous Zimbabweans. Fellow Zimbabweans, can we all dedicate just 30 minutes on Thursday, June 26 to reflect on where we came from, where we are, where we are going, and where we would rather be after June 27?

Fellow Zimbabweans, going by the results of the March 29 elections, are we now all prepared to lose what we have acquired over the past 28 years? Are we now tired of enjoying our heritage such that we are now deciding to allocate Zimbabwe to England?

Yes, we are having economic problems, but should we let our country fly on BA Flight to England simply because the sanctions that were imposed to induce us to vote in a certain way have clouded our judgment?

Are we forgetting the hardships we encountered during the liberation struggle?

Do we remember how the white settlers were treating us?

I think we need to educate our little kids who were born after independence about how selfless our freedom fighters were when they took on the enemy that had oppressed us in our motherland.

Do these kids know that there is rampant segregation in the Europe and North America?

Do they know that freedom fighters were not paid anything to fight for our country?

Does everybody know that if the MDC-T gets into power, all the white former commercial farmers will flock back to drive us off the land?

If that happens, what do you think will be the outcome?

Aluta continua! Zimbabwe should never be a colony again.

A Zimbabwean.

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