
Saturday, June 07, 2008

(HERALD) More MDC-T supporters defect

More MDC-T supporters defect
Herald Reporter

MORE MDC-T supporters continue to cross the floor to Zanu-PF ahead of the June 27 presidential run-off with more than 50 defecting to the ruling party at a meeting held at Makoni Shopping Centre in Chitungwiza on Tuesday. Former MDC-T supporters who surrendered party regalia — including T-shirts, membership cards, red symbol cards, whistles, CDs and cassettes — said that the opposition party had failed to deliver on its promises.

Addressing the gathering attended by informal traders, small-to-medium entrepreneurs and Zanu-PF leaders in the dormitory town, the defectors said they felt used by the opposition party to destroy the country’s economy.

"I have been with the MDC-T since its formation and besides being used to campaign against the Government, we have not received anything we had been promised by the opposition party.

"We have been promised money, jobs and influential positions, but this has come to nought, especially after elections," Steven Zindoga told the gathering.

The defector, who revealed that he had been an MDC-T organising secretary in Budiriro’s Ward 33, said he had decided to work with the ruling party to develop the country.

Rejiko Mashonganyika told the meeting that while he had been lured by misguided elements in the community to follow the MDC-T, their lives had remained unchanged.

"I was staying in Wedza and joined the opposition after coming to Harare, but I have since realised that I am just being used to take back the country to the whites," Clarence Gurudza said.

Francis and Honest Gapare said they had joined the opposition to get T-shirts distributed by the MDC-T but realised that they had never felt free wearing the regalia.

"I got this T-shirt when I attended a rally at Chibuku Stadium, but I have never felt at peace with myself.

"I realised that I can only be free when I am working with people who worked for our independence," Clifford Mashonganyika said.

Addressing the gathering, Seke district co-ordinating committee chairman Cde Reuben Rusere said he was happy that the defectors had not been forced to rejoin the ruling party.

"I am glad people are realising that the MDC-T is hoodwinking them through promises they are incapable of fulfilling.

"Zanu-PF is not forcing people to join, but what we want is to work with people who are constructive, people who want to work for the development of the nation," he said.

Cde Rusere castigated MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai for lying to the people whom he failed to effectively represent when he was leading the ZCTU.

"Most people who are now into the informal sector lost their jobs at Cone Textiles in 1992 but Tsvangirai failed to stand for them after being bought by the owners of the company," he said.

He said President Mugabe’s Government was not waiting for whites to provide jobs but would rather economically empower them.

"President Mugabe wants to give people an opportunity to own their own business, hence our theme in the presidential run-off is ‘100 Percent Empowerment, Total Independence’," he said.

Cde Rusere urged Zanu-PF supporters in Chitungwiza to shun violence, which he described as counter-productive in an election campaign.

"Assaulting people would not change their minds, but tell them that Zanu-PF is for total empowerment and will work hard to make sure that all are totally emancipated," he said.

He urged people to go and vote in their thousands during the run-off.

"President Mugabe received 43 percent of the vote but there are more out there who did not vote so these are the people who should come out and vote on June 27," he said.

The latest defections follow those in Mashonaland Central where more than 60 MDC-T supporters crossed to the ruling party at the weekend.

The ruling party has launched a vigorous campaign in the wards where it is targeting ordinary Zimbabweans who did not participate in the March 29 harmonised elections.

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