
Monday, June 23, 2008

(HERALD) President will win run-off poll hands down: Chiwenga

President will win run-off poll hands down: Chiwenga
Herald Reporter

Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander General Constantine Chiwenga has predicted a resounding win for President Mugabe in Friday’s historic presidential run-off. The ZDF Commander said Zimbabwe would have no apologies to make to any "house nigger" and puppets of the British after President Mugabe’s victory. Speaking at a reception he held for his Namibian counterpart on Saturday night, Lieutenant-General Martin Shalli, Gen Chiwenga said a lot of blood was shed during the bitter armed struggle to free Zimbabwe and the gains should never be reversed.

"Our comrade, Defence Forces chief, our leader President Mugabe and comrade-in-arms will romp to victory. We say so because we have no apology to make to any house nigger and puppets," Gen Chiwenga said.

"So much blood was shed and this has to be known by every Zimbabwean."

Gen Chiwenga said Zimbabwe’s interests came first ahead of anything else and the heritage and legacy left by the country’s ancestors should never be given away.

He said the March 29 harmonised elections were marred by serious fraud masterminded by some Zimbabwe Electoral Commission officials sympathetic to the opposition.

Several election officials have been arrested and some convicted of fraud and tampering with ballots during the March elections.

Gen Chiwenga said the visit by Lt-Gen Shalli had rekindled the spirit of the liberation struggle.

"Your visit has been long awaited and anticipated. We are happy as ZDF. This is a meeting of friends and comrades-in-arms, former liberation fighters who now are still alive remembering those who sacrificed their lives for our two countries — Namibia and Zimbabwe."

He said the two nations should remain united and further strengthen the strong ties and defend the heroic sacrifices made during their liberation struggles.

"We hope and pray that this momentum we have established will be propelled to greater heights."

In response, Lt-Gen Shalli said Zimbabwean and Namibian forces should continue to cherish, enhance and explore new areas of co-operation.

"We are here to strengthen the excellent relations between the two forces and continue to explore many new areas of co-operation," Lt-Gen Shalli said.

He said security forces in Sadc should work together for the development of the region and condemned the attacks on fellow Africans in South Africa which erupted last month.

"As a region, we are looking forward to regional integration. I still have hope that it will be the case, but there are things we have to do (such as to) educate our people. The xenophobic attacks in South Africa are a result of a lack of education," he said.

He said the violent attacks might have appeared like a small occurrence, they were a big regional security threat that needs to be addressed.

Lt-Gen Shalli, who was accompanied by his wife and four other senior officials, had an opportunity to tour the majestic Victoria Falls.

The Namibian delegation left Zimbabwe for Namibia yesterday morning at the end of their four-day visit.

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