
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

(HERALD) Zesa should load-shed fairly

Zesa should load-shed fairly

EDITOR — I am a resident of Canaan in Highfield and this is my plea to Zesa Holdings. We all understand the need and necessity of load-shedding and accept it. My plea to you is, please try your best to ensure that load-shedding is distributed evenly. If Highfield is to be without power, then the whole of Highfield should be without power.

It is quite frustrating and disheartening to lose power and then look out through the window across the street and see the lights on at my neighbour’s house.

Please Zesa, I beg you to come up with a timetable that is fair to everyone.

If it is impossible to load-shed the whole area at the same time, then let us rotate days instead of one section being on the receiving end everyday of the week.

Regis Sibanda.

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