
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's impossible to employ all MMD members, says Levy

It's impossible to employ all MMD members, says Levy
By Chibaula Silwamba in Katete and Christopher Miti in Chipata
Wednesday June 25, 2008 [04:00]

PRESIDENT Levy Mwanawasa has said it is impossible for his government to give employment to all MMD members. And President Mwanawasa has assured Zambians that his government is looking after their peace. Meanwhile, President Mwanawasa announced that the government was constructing an insemination and agricultural centre in Eastern Province to help increase the population of livestock in the province.

Addressing Milanzi electorates at Kafumbwe Secondary School in Katete yesterday where he was drumming up support for MMD's parliamentary candidate in tomorrow's by-election, President Mwanawasa said it was not possible that government could give employment or remuneration to all members of the party.

"It is never done throughout the world. It is true that some of us are given the opportunity or positions of governance leadership in government and remuneration is given," President Mwanawasa said. "Reuben Chisanga Banda has supported the party for a long time since it was formed and today he is being considered as a candidate for member of parliament. With the support of all of you, he could be member of parliament, he could be minister and as minister he could be anything."
President Mwanawasa told the voters not to vote for a wrong member of parliament or else they would regret.

"What we want is you to give me a member of parliament, he is able to swim in the same swimming pool as myself. I am swimming in a very deep swimming pool and I am afraid if you give me a wrong MP, he will drown at the deepest point," President Mwanawasa said.
He said the people of Milanzi had an explanation to give him on why the MMD lost in the 2006 elections.

"Where did we go wrong so that we can correct the situation? I am putting a second challenge to you the people of Milanzi to give us your vote so that you encourage us to work even harder," President Mwanawasa said.

He also said the government was working hard to improve agriculture policies that have seen farmers produce enough food for self-consumption and sale.

"We want to improve the quality of livestock in Eastern Province; therefore, we are constructing an agricultural centre where it will be possible for farmers to go and exchange their breed of cattle with better ones," President Mwanawasa said. "We are constructing an insemination centre which will be producing drugs to vaccinate animals so that we can improve and multiply the population of our animals in Eastern Province."
President Mwanawasa also said the government was improving health service delivery in Milanzi.

"Government is determined to ensure that our people are in good health because with proper health, then you can have a healthy economy, with a healthy economy, the sky is the limit," he said.

He also said the road constructing equipment the government purchased at a cost of US $39.5 million from China was now in the country and were being assembled and would soon be sent to all provinces, and hopefully all districts.

He observed that the road infrastructure in the country left much to be desired.
"The bridges, particularly after the floods of last season, have been washed away. You cannot produce agricultural products when you don't have road infrastructure leading to the places where food is made. So we want these areas to have good roads," President Mwanawasa said.

He also expressed anger at Kafumbwe Secondary School pupils for breaking school property during a demonstration.

"You the students of Kafumbwe Secondary School, had me extremely frustrated when I heard that you had demonstrated with violence and caused damage to your school," he said. "This school was not built with your money, the Zambian money. It was built as a donation by a foreign country and you are frustrating that foreign nation. Now you don't know what it means to the future."

President Mwanawasa advised the pupils to work harder in school so that they could be leaders and help develop the country.
And Banda thanked President Mwanawasa and the MMD's national executive committee for selecting him as their candidate.

"I thank you for the work you are doing in Milanzi," said Banda.
And President Mwanawasa said on Monday that he would not allow Zambians to become refugees.

"We are looking after the peace of this country, nobody can do better. If we are looking after the peace of this country, you can only be a trouble-rouser not to vote for us because if you are enjoying peace, the party to vote for is MMD," President Mwanawasa said. "I, therefore, feel extremely privileged at a time such as this to be a President of Zambia, to preside over a country which is peaceful, which is democratic, which respects the rule of law, which holds periodical and regular elections without any cantankerous behaviour."
President Mwanawasa said the MMD recognised that where there was peace, it became easier to work on development.

"Where there is despondency, people are on the run, they cannot keep their household goods in the house, and their households are carried on their heads and on the shoulders. Our married mothers cannot have proper sanctuary for them, when they are about to have children, to give birth in a free environment because they will be refugees running away from their country," he said.

President Mwanawasa further said the Milanzi by-election was a mid-term litmus test.
He said if Milanzi electorate voted for the MMD, they would have shown their gratitude to the party and that they believed in it. He said many parts of the country experienced hunger hence the government was providing relief food to people that did not have food including those in Milanzi Constituency.

President Mwanawasa warned that whoever would be discovered to have been segregating in the distribution of relief food would be penalised.

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