
Friday, June 13, 2008

Letters - Contractors, Zambia Sugar

Road contractors
By Gilbert Wandi
Friday June 13, 2008 [04:00]

The programme by the government to repair and rehabilitate some tarred roads in the country is an expensive exercise that should be taken seriously to avoid wastage of taxpayers’ money. The sad thing is that in spite of the huge amounts of money the government is spending on these roads, some of the repaired ones are far short of the required standards.

I don’t know the criteria which the government and RDA use to certify a road that has been worked on as completed before a contractor is paid. Take for instance the road which branches off from Kapiri Mposhi/Ndola road and joins the Luanshya-Ndola one.

This road was recently worked on by some road contractor and a few weeks ago, I was surprised to find that the road already has big potholes? Is this the new fashion of how roads should be repaired in Zambia or what is happening?

I challenge officials from Road Development Agency to inspect this road and see for themselves what I am talking about.

It does not make sense to start mending potholes on a new road unless there is something fishy about how these contracts are awarded.

Zambia Sugar: warning from history
By M M Mazwi
Friday June 13, 2008 [04:00]

Your June 11 article entitled ‘Chief accuses Zambia Sugar managers of being pompous’ on Zambia Sugar's attitude towards the Zambian government made interesting reading.

Actually, that problem is not new, will never end and has a long history.

While my fellow Evelyn Hone students protested against former president Frederick Chiluba's third-term bid in 2001, I recall attending a 'handover' function, organised by the Zambian government (or was it Zambia Sugar management) to mark the transfer of (majority) ownership from government hands to Illovo Sugar.

The only senior official then was some union leader whose name escapes my memory but is Lozi. I suppose by now the government knows the behaviour of investors, especially those from South Africa. So the government should not expect anything more from these people.

And I hope Magande was not fighting to be accommodated in that Zambia Sugar 'guesthouse'.

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