
Thursday, June 05, 2008

Letters - 'Free Markets', Public Funds, Police Brutality

Catering for local markets
By Joe S Munsanje, Lusaka
Thursday June 05, 2008 [04:00]

I have observed the failure by privatised companies to deal with the moral obligations of meeting local market demands.

This makes me believe that, indeed, governments have government business in business; that a free market on its own cannot serve the masses.

Companies like Lafarge Cement, Zambia Sugar Plc and many others are strong on advertising their products, yet the products are not available on the market.

It is surely a shame that we privatised without putting in some good measures to ensure that these companies serve the local market.

Misapplication of govt funds
By Maketo Nayama, Mongu
Wednesday June 04, 2008 [04:00]

It is very sad to hear what is happening in our government offices. I don’t see the reason why our government does not take stern measures on officers who are mismanaging and misdirecting public funds for personal gain. I am saying so beacause the findings as stated in The Post of May 22, 2008 were heart touching for a farmer like me.

It was reported that the Ministry of Agriculture, Mazabuka offices used all the K113 million meant for fighting cattle diseases on allowances and repair of vehicles. Why should such an attitude be tolerated in a developing country such as ours?

This is not the time people should focus more on luxuries. I urge those with such mentality to have a change of mindset.

The government should this time around make sure that our officers or rather civil servants develop a positive attitude towards issues of national development. It is not long when we read in the papers about the revelations from the Auditor General’s report cataloguing mismanaged and misapplied public funds.

Brutality by police
By Kanyemba A Mwinilunga
Thursday June 05, 2008 [04:00]

Allow me space to air my views on the police brutality in Mwinilunga as reported by The Post of June 3, 2008. I read with sorrow the story, narrated by Mulubi ward councillor William Mukangala, about the young man who was tortured to death while in police custody.

According to William, this is a second similar case happening in Mwinilunga where police have now tortured two people to death.

I am wondering what the offices of the District Commissioner and the police officer-in-charge are doing over this matter.

I am urging the DC, Webby Samekesa, to work hand in hand with Mwinilunga police officer-in-charge to give a comphrehensive report on this matter.

Besides this, I urge The Post to dig this stroy up and bring facts to the public. I would be interested to know the measures that the IG will take on the cops involved in matters like this.

Thank you

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