
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

LETTERS - The Neoliberal Economy, Government Corruption

What booming economy?
By Chali Chew
Wednesday June 04, 2008 [04:00]

Let me pose a question to our economists in this country, and I wish one of them could explain the meaning of a booming economy or what it takes for a national economy to be described or qualified as a booming economy. I have heard a lot of our politicians from the ruling party use this word to woo cheap support from the electorate and i feel it’s fraudulent and misplaced to claim that the Zambian economy is booming when the majority of the ordinary citizens cannot experience or see an improvement in the five basic human needs like food, shelter, health, clothing and education.

A quick look at the different industrial or manufacturing sectors in this country will show that it is only mining and specifically copper mining which has been rejuvinated and this is about all. However, this is not due to some party manifesto or economic geniuses of the ruling class but to me, it’s just an act of fate due to the fact that the price of copper is high. the moment the prices will fall we shall be back to, not only square one this time around, but zero because of lack of planning and foresight.

We all seem to be repeating the same mistake of keeping our eyes on the copper spoon. what about other sectors? Why has Kapiri Glass been left to rot? What about other factories and industries which used to run? Why has the government which claims all the credit for revamping mining, failed to revamp other industries?

Do we need rocket scientists to revamp our national airline? What does it take to rejuvenate our textile factories? Just to keep pointing at mining, which we do not even seem to be in control of or in charge, does not make one describe our economy as booming. It is simply a lie.

This is the only booming economy where we even fail to manage, plan and provide for things which have a huge comparative advantage over our neighbouring countries. Look at our energy resource, we have so much in terms of potential. yet, we want to blame the region and take comfort in comparing ourselves with countries that are not blessed with what we have and cannot do anything about their situation. Even on consumer commodities like sugar and cement, we produce these things, why should a booming nation be subjecting its citizens to such shortages?

Sometimes i wonder why our country, with all the necessary ingredients for development like peace and tranquility, perfect climatic conditions and abundant human resource, can, after 44 years of independence, still be at the same level and even behind some of our neighbours who have been in turmoil and chaos, one reason only; lack of quality leadership, the only boom exists in the minds of politicians in office.

Misapplication of govt funds
By Maketo Nayama, Mongu
Wednesday June 04, 2008 [04:00]

It is very sad to hear what is happening in our government offices. I don’t see the reason why our government does not take stern measures on officers who are mismanaging and misdirecting public funds for personal gain. I am saying so beacause the findings as stated in The Post of May 22, 2008 were heart touching for a farmer like me.

It was reported that the Ministry of Agriculture, Mazabuka offices used all the K113 million meant for fighting cattle diseases on allowances and repair of vehicles. Why should such an attitude be tolerated in a developing country such as ours?

This is not the time people should focus more on luxuries. I urge those with such mentality to have a change of mindset.

The government should this time around make sure that our officers or rather civil servants develop a positive attitude towards issues of national development. It is not long when we read in the papers about the revelations from the Auditor General’s report cataloguing mismanaged and misapplied public funds.

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