Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ministers join Lozi, Tonga land dispute

Ministers join Lozi, Tonga land dispute
By Mutale Kapekele in Livingstone
Tuesday June 10, 2008 [17:21]

Southern Province minister Daniel Munkombwe has described as derogatory the statement by gender minister Patricia Mulasikwanda that chief Moomba was a hunter claiming his king's land.

Commenting on the land wrangle between senior chief Inyambo Yeta of the Lozi people in Sesheke district and chief Moomba of the Toka Leya of Kazungula district in Southern Province, Mulasikwanda last week said she was surprised that chief Moomba was claiming land from his king when he was just a hunter.

"I am shocked beyond understanding that a hunter (chief Moomba) now wants to claim part of his king's land," said Mulasikwanda.

Chief Moomba has for a long time been claiming that part of the land that separates Kazungula and Sesheke belongs to his chiefdom. On the other hand, chief Inyambo says the land is part of his chiefdom.

This dispute led to the closure of Zambezi Sawmills after 58 villagers from chief Inyambo's chiefdom occupied houses belonging to the company to protest against the company's payment of royalties to chief Moomba when the land belongs to chief Inyambo.

But Munkombwe described Mulasikwanda's statement as irresponsible.
Addressing the press in Livingstone yesterday, Munkombwe said it was the duty of ministers to preach unity and not to make statements that had the potential to divide the people.

"I don't think it was right for the honourable minister to describe chief Moomba as just a hunter. There is nothing more derogatory than for a chief to be described as such," Munkombwe said. "The role of government ministers is to make statements which help to build unity in the country and to help those who may have problems like our two chiefs."

He said the land wrangle between chiefs Inyambo Yeta of Western Province and Moomba of Southern Province, should be left to the Ministry of Local Government and Housing to sort out.

"There has been a lot of correspondence between the Ministry of Local Government and the two chiefs and honourable Mulasikwanda should know that. And it is unfortunate that chief Inyambo Yeta has been the one who has not responded to calls by the Ministry of Local Government to solve the problem," Munkombwe said. "I have been under pressure from people of chief Moomba to comment on the issue but I will not react the way our honourable Minister of Gender reacted. Two wrongs won't make a right. So all I can say is that the people of this province support chief Moomba and wanted me to react in an irresponsible manner."

Munkombwe said it was irresponsible for Mulasikwanda to comment on land that was titled and legally belonged to Zambezi Saw Mills of Mulobezi.
"In Zambia we respect titled land and the land in Mulobezi belongs to Zambezi Saw Mills and the squatters should be removed from there," Munkombwe said. "We should not be like people in other African countries who do not respect land on title. People are going to kill each other if we as ministers incite them so we have to make responsible statements."
Munkombwe said in the past, the Lozi people claimed that Kalomo and part of the Copperbelt Province were theirs and that those issues should not be resurrected.

"We have maps which regulate the limits of an individual chief's land and if the boundary is not shared by another country, why should we split hairs?" Munkombwe asked. "The Lozis in the past claimed that the Copperbelt was theirs but that died a natural death and that is what should happen in Mulobezi. We should not resurrect such thinking."

And Munkombwe has said investors should come up with programmes that would benefit local communities in which they invest. Addressing Tongabezi management and workers at the beginning of his weeklong familiarisation tour of Livingstone district, Munkombwe said opposition political parties could never achieve what the MMD has achieved.

"There is nothing that can beat what Mwanawasa has done in terms of education, acceptability by the people and attraction to investments," Munkombwe said. "We have a lot of confidence as the MMD and we don't see anyone with the capacity to replace us."
He said the MMD and President Mwanawasa had succeeded in creating a peaceful atmosphere in the country that attracted investment.

"We have a stable country with stable government leadership and we expect investors to be stable," Munkombwe said. "We have peace, which is the first prerequisite for attracting investment and our investors are assured of their returns.

"We are very proud of efforts by tourism investors in Livingstone such as Tongabezi who have come up with a community school for the local children. This is how investment should be not just siphoning money and taking it away to other countries."
Munkombwe said he was also happy to see investors who were attached to the history of the country.

"Some people have no attachment to the country and just want to come and make money," he said. "Very few people care about our history and it is good to see people who really love our country like Peter Jones of the River Club."
And Jones, who is the managing director of The River Club, said his organisation would set up a Jewish museum in Livingstone.

"There is a lot that happened in the past that we need to remind the people and the Jewish Museum is one way of sharing our experiences," Jones said. "We need to bring up our history to add a new dimension to tourism."

On Monday Munkombwe visited seven lodges and camps on the banks of the Zambezi River and in the Mosi-o-tunya National Park.

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