
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Oasis Forum reaffirms vision of developing constitutionalism

Oasis Forum reaffirms vision of developing constitutionalism
By Mwila Chansa
Sunday June 29, 2008 [04:00]

THE Oasis Forum has reaffirmed its long held vision of developing and entrenching a culture of constitutionalism in Zambia. And Oasis Forum convenor Bishop Paul Mususu stated that given the uninspiring state of the constitution reform process so far, they had resolved that they would continue with their programmes and activities intended to sensitise Zambians throughout the country on the need for a people-driven and people-centered constitution reform.

Bishop Mususu stated on Friday that following the decision by one of its constituent members, the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) to participate in the National Constitution Conference (NCC), the remaining four members namely Non-Governmental Organisations Coordinating Council (NGOCC), Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ), Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) and the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) had reaffirmed their long held commitment to the long held vision of Zambia developing a culture of constitutionalism.

“The Oasis Forum has taken time to observe, listen, reflect and consult on the current happenings vis-à-vis constitution reform in Zambia,” Bishop Mususu stated. “The four organisations are resolved to continue with the process that they started when establishing the Oasis Forum and a process which has been hailed as a beacon of hope for many Zambians for several years now.”
Bishop Mususu emphasised that the measure of success for any constitution reform process lay in the culture that the final constitution created or embraced.

He stated that it was the Oasis Forum’s conviction that the country needed a process that ensured that the Republican constitution produced was not only an embodiment of the people’s aspiration but also a catalyst for developing a culture of constitutionalism where good governance thrived, where human rights were protected, the rule of law respected and upheld.

Bishop Mususu added that the process also needed to ensure that economic and political pluralism was entrenched in addition to being a source of harmony and laying the foundation for socio-economic development for all Zambians.

“We wish to reiterate our position that the current process which the Zambian government has embarked upon will not achieve the desired constitution and it is the duty of every Zambian to remain vigilant and not to sleep on their rights,” he stated.

And Bishop Mususu stated that the forum would continue sensitising the public on the attributes of a good constitution and the need for a completely new document that effectively trims the enormous executive powers that reside in the Presidency.

He stated that the Forum would also sensitise people on the importance of a constitution that promotes an electoral system that ensures that the winning President enjoyed popular support from the electorate, thus enhancing transparency and accountability among other attributes.

“Our advocacy will seek to empower the Zambian people with information on their rights in terms of developing and approving a new constitution and ensure that the voice of the people is heard loudly by all those in authority at whatever level,” he stated.

Bishop Mususu stated that while the Oasis Forum’s position on the NCC remained unchanged, it was a decision based on careful consideration, analysis, strong principles and values.

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