
Saturday, June 07, 2008

Obama's nomination is testimony that tribal politics must be a thing of the past - HH

Obama's nomination is testimony that tribal politics must be a thing of the past - HH
By Lambwe Kachali
Saturday June 07, 2008 [04:00]

UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has said Barack Obama’s nomination as US Democratic presidential candidate is a testimony that petty politics about tribal ‘xenophobia’ in Zambia during general elections must be a thing of the past.
In an interview, Hichilema urged Zambians to seriously learn from the political developments in the United States.

Hichilema said it was interesting that despite the racial differences and prejudices that characterised the United States of America for a long time, the American people had demonstrated that race or colour was not the basis or measure of choosing genuine leaders. “This appears to me that the words of Martin Luther King have come to fruition when he said, ‘I have a dream that one day my children will not be judged by colour of their skin but by the content of their character.

’ It is clear for Zambians to see that our colleagues in America are saying that what brings them together is more than what divides them. They have a common agenda for a better future for themselves, their children and the future generations,” he said.

Hichilema said regional, ethnic and tribal politics should not be condoned if democracy is to grow and be respected in Zambia.

“This is an example that as Zambians we must rise above backward, retrogressive and bias politics such as tribe or ethic consideration in choosing our leaders. This shows that the petty talks about tribal xenophobia that surround our presidential elections must be discouraged at all cost,” Hichilema said. “As a country, we must now focus our attention on competence and policy alternatives that a party or group of people can bring to the leadership bracket of our country.”

Obama, 46 on Tuesday night shattered a barrier more than two centuries old to become the first black candidate ever nominated by a major political party for the nation’s highest office.

And Hichilema urged Zambians to salvage the country from further economic degradation and despair.

“Those ahead of us have done their part which we appreciate and now let them guide and support us to carry on with this very important task of development. We need to work together to deliver our country economically by creating more jobs, fight poverty, corruption and diseases in a meaningful way; build more school, to fight ignorance and offer other social amenities in a way that the standards of our people can be lifted with physical effect and social dignity,” he said.

Hichilema further said there was need for Zambians to advocate public debates among politicians aspiring for higher offices in order to enhance democracy.
Hichilema said if politicians could be exposed to debates on both radio and television, Zambians would be electing their leaders on merit.

He said with the high levels of poverty and unfair distribution of national resources, the change of government was inevitable in 2011.

Hichilema said UPND would work together with all Zambians in ensuring that people’s living standards improved.

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