
Monday, June 30, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Odinga's statements threatening Zimbabwe unity talks

Odinga's statements threatening Zimbabwe unity talks
Prince Kahari—Opinion
Mon, 30 Jun 2008 10:41:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR—The alliance between the Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan Tsvangirai and Kenya’s new Prime Minister Raila Odinga is a threat to unity talks in Zimbabwe and only serves to infuriate the current leadership of Zimbabwe. If the two main parties in Zimbabwe are going to find a lasting solution, the MDC-T has to denounce some of the misguided statements that are coming out of Mr Odinga.

He speaks more like a thug rather than a Head of State. He seems to talk more about Zimbabwe than his own Kenya and one would have thought he was an opposition leader in Zimbabwe.

This is a man who is fighting to offer an amnesty to thugs who were responsible for 2 500 deaths in his native Kenya after the elections, yet he talks about Zimbabwe being an ‘eyesore’ to the world.

Mr Odinga is allowed to comment on Zimbabwe and express his opinion, but his misguided and undiplomatic statements make him look unstatesmanlike.

This is time for rational and sober talk, not the thuggish talk and behaviour of the Kenyan Prime Minister.

For the MDC-T to be seen to support such type of talk is not a good position. It threatens chances of peaceful and amicable talk in Zimbabwe.

If future leaders are going to be in the mould of Raila Odinga, who seems to be angry about something all the time, I hate to think what the future will be like for all of us.

Mr Odinga should learn from the diplomacy of tried and tested leaders on the continent.

We need rational statesmen, not thug-like leaders, in power and MDC-T leaders should quickly dissociate themselves from this man if progress is going to be made in Zimbabwe.

Odinga seem to think Zimbabwe is a province of Kenya. He should know that his backyard is dirty and he should deal with that first before expending too much energy on Zimbabwe. He is allowed to comment; but throwing insults is child-like and intolerable.

Prince Kahari

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