
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

PF councillors continue to defy Sata over Chilatu

PF councillors continue to defy Sata over Chilatu
By Lambwe Kachali
Tuesday June 10, 2008 [04:00]

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) councillors have defied party directives to strengthen the reconciliation between PF president Michael Sata and President Levy Mwanawasa by lifting the suspension of Lusaka mayor Stephen Chilatu. And PF vice-president Dr Guy Scott said the party would take disciplinary action against councillors who voted against the proposed forgiveness of Chilatu.

Meanwhile, Sata said his support for Chilatu should not be mistaken with the failure to reconcile with PF members of parliament sitting on the National Constitutional Conference (NCC), saying the offences were different.
During a full council meeting last week, Dr Scott raised a motion to forgive Chilatu and lift his suspension as a way of strengthening the reconciliation of President Mwanawasa and Sata. In presenting the motion, Dr Scott said it was PF's desire to promote unity among members and strengthen reconciliation of the two presidents.

He said PF wanted to lead by example by forgiving Chilatu, especially that the reconciliation by the two leaders had been received with mixed feelings from some quarters of society.
Dr Scott said the PF leadership had never been happy with Chilatu's suspension because it had negatively affected the operations of the council.

However, Dr Scott said when he raised the motion as directed by the party, some PF councillors vowed not to support it. He cited Kabulonga ward councillor Charles Msiska, Chawama councilor captain Davison Mulenga and Matero member of parliament Faustina Sinyangwe, among others, as some of those who were against the motion. He said when the issue heated up, the meeting called for a vote.

"Now, after we voted, my motion, which was the PF's motion was defeated. Only five PF councillors voted in favour, nine councillors voted against while seven others objected and walked out without voting," Dr Scott said.

He said the PF secretariat would write to all councilors to exculpate themselves over their continued behaviour of defying party directives.

"We are very concerned about this continued indiscipline among party members especially councillors and some members of parliament. The secretary general Mr. Edward Mumbi will write to them to exculpate themselves why they have continued to go against their own party," he said. "If our two top leaders can reconcile at State House, why can't we do the same at party and council levels? Our aim is to strengthen this reconciliation, but I am very disappointed at the councillors' defiant behaviour."

Dr Scott warned that PF would not condone any further indiscipline and those found wanting would be expelled.

"I will not be surprised when these councillors are expelled from PF. Nakazwe (Susan) and Musonda Mwaume were expelled because they went against party rules as well as for being indiscipline. I think these councillors have failed to learn from their friends' mistakes. So, the disciplinary committee will deal with them," said Dr Scott.

And asked why he was supporting Chilatu and while refusing to reconcile with his members of parliament participating in the NCC, Sata said the two issues were different. He said the PF top leadership sat and reviewed Chilatu's case but had never sat to review the case committed by those sitting on the NCC.

"One thing people should understand is that PF as a whole has declared not to participate in the NCC. So, reconciling with 'rebel' members of parliament is a non-starter. But for Mr. Chilatu, those councillors who suspended him are just confused.

They are jealous of Chilatu. How can they suspend him as a councillor and not a mayor when they know very well that for Chilatu to be a mayor, he should first be a councillor? We have identified all the ringleaders and just wait and see. Their fate is near," said Sata.

But Msiska said the councilors were in order to vote against the party's motion because it would have been ridiculous for them to change wrong things in the name of reconciliation.

He said as much as councillors appreciated the reconciliation between Sata and President Mwanawasa, the motion raised by Dr Scott did not hold water because Chilatu was a self-confessed offender.

"Our move to vote against the motion was collective and without malice. Chilatu was suspended on alleged misconduct and abuse of office. The man has put the office of the mayor into ridicule. It would have been ridiculous on our party as councilors to start changing what we unanimously agreed on at first," Msiska said.

He said councillors would not accept PF top leadership to be imposing wrong decisions on them.

"It is very ridiculous to be always discussing Chilatu whenever we meet as council. After all, his suspension is coming to an end in September. But it will be unfortunate if the party is planning to expel us on this ground. If it happens, it will mean lack of democracy in PF," said Msiska.

And captain Mulenga said Chilatu had sold the party and wondered why PF leadership was still supporting him. He said the councillors were neutral and wanted to deliver the much-needed development to the people of people.

He said it was sad that Dr Scott even threatened them after voting against the motion. He said he personally told Dr Scott that Chilatu was not fit to be mayor because he had gravely abused his office.

"As a veteran politician, I don't want mediocrity. We don't need to be pushed, bulldozed by the party leadership the way they have been doing for the past two years. Reinstating Chilatu will not be in order and we will not allow anybody to impose what they want on us," said captain Mulenga.

In March this year, PF suspended Chilatu for allegedly irregularly allocating himself a house in Ibex Hill and nominating Stanford Mwenda to replace him at the National Constitutional Conference without the council's authority.

The decision was reached at a full council meeting where councillors particularly those from PF questioned Chilatu's decision to allocate himself a house without following procedure.

However, Chilatu said he followed all the necessary procedures before he shifted into the house.

Last year in March, the PF expelled then Lusaka Mayor Susan Nakazwe and councillor Borniface Musondamwaume for disobeying party directives for them not to go to Lusaka International Airport to welcome Chinese President Hu Jintao.

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