
Sunday, June 29, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Bush's call for sanctions against Zimbabwe

Bush's call for sanctions against Zimbabwe
Linda Edwards—Opinion
Sun, 29 Jun 2008 00:00:00 +0000

UNITED States President George W. Bush, having failed at so much else—Iraq, Afghanistan, Katrina, Tibet, and the political prisoner in Burma/Myanmar, having failed at relations in Latin America, wants to save Zimbabwe for the poor opposition.

Mr. Bush wishes to burnish his tarnished crown of office — huge gas prices, mortgage meltdown and so on, by discovering and saving Africa, of which Zimbabwe seems to be the crown jewel.

Boo to Mr. Bush and European leaders who want to roll Zimbabwe back to the dark ages of Ian Smith.

Meanwhile, the two largest African American areas of the USA, ever to be struck by natural disasters, the area of the airbase in south Florida, struck by Hurricane Andrew in 1994, and New Orleans ― victim of Katrina in 2005, remain disaster zones, only slightly better than the situation on a Navajo reservation.

Seems that he could burnish his image at home, by helping poor American people.

I live here in the US. I know.

Linda Edwards

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