
Friday, June 20, 2008

Walubita Jnr resigns from NRP

Walubita Jnr resigns from NRP
By Kelvin Tembo
Friday June 20, 2008 [04:00]

KELI Walubita Jnr yesterday announced his resignation from the National Revolution Party (NRP) following his suspension over an alleged coup against party leader Cosmo Mumba. Reacting to his suspension in a walk-in interview, Keli said the accusation of a coup was baseless because Cosmo was not worth overthrowing.

"I have resigned because I have seen that the party does not have a vision for the young people which I thought it had," he said.

Keli said he regretted having associated himself with such a visionless party and a leader who just wanted to use the opportunity for his personal gain.

On Tuesday, NRP secretary general James Lukuko announced the suspension of Keli as spokesperson and gave him seven days in which to exculpate himself over allegations that he tried to unseat Mumba.

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