
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Zambia can capitalise on rising world food prices, says Keidar

Zambia can capitalise on rising world food prices, says Keidar
By Mutuna Chanda
Saturday June 14, 2008 [04:00]

ZAMBIA has the opportunity to capitalise on the rising world food prices, Israeli Ambassador to Zambia Jacob Keidar has said. And Ambassador Keidar said the solution to the problems that Zimbabwe currently faced internally and now with its neighbours lay in holding free and fair elections on June 27. In an interview during the commemoration of Israel's 60th independence anniversary in Lusaka on Thursday, Ambassador Keidar said his country could partner with Zambia in helping to increase food production for export to the southern African region.

"Nowadays there are food shortages and rising food prices," Ambassador Keidar said. "A country like Zambia can be a food basket for southern Africa and can produce grain for export. On one hand there is the challenge of food shortage and the opportunity is to become that country that provides the food.

He said Israel could be a useful partner that could help Zambia become a regional food basket.

"Israel can become a useful partner in providing agricultural equipment and fertilizer but most of all expertise in agriculture," Ambassador Keidar said. "As you know in 60 years of our existence, we have become very experienced in agriculture technology and expertise."

He regretted that there were not many Israeli companies that had invested in Zambia's agricultural, construction and telecommunications sectors.

"One of the major challenges that I have is bringing more Israeli investment to Zambia in telecommunications, agriculture and construction," he said.

"There are many Israeli companies that are working in other parts of Africa but they are not doing as much in Zambia as they are doing in other parts of the continent. One of the problems is that the embassy is not based in Zambia. It is based in Nairobi so it's an issue of presence. But now Zambia has many opportunities for Israeli companies which we would like to exploit."

Earlier, during his official speech commemorating Israel's anniversary, Ambassador Keidar expressed his country's desire for peace.

"I would like to use this event to reemphasise our desire for peace and our commitment to make every possible effort in order to achieve peaceful co-existence with all our neighbours," Ambassador Keidar said. "We will overcome those who by terror and rockets are trying to destroy us and use the 61st year of independent Israel to make peace with those who are willing to live in good neighbourly relations. The recent example is the restart of a dialogue for peace with Syria."

On the situation in Zimbabwe, Ambassador Keidar said having a government that all people agreed to, would solve the country's internal problems and the emerging difficulties it was facing with its neighbours.

"It's a great pity to watch what is going on in Zimbabwe and the solution to the problems that the country is facing is to have free and fair presidential run-off elections so that the country will have a government that all agree to," said Ambassador Keidar.

"This will be good for Zimbabwe and also its neighbours. The solution does not lie in putting Tsvangirai Morgan: opposition Movement for Democratic Change leader in prison."

And home affairs minister, Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha, urged Israel to transform its military capability and economic prosperity into powerful instruments of realising lasting peace in the Middle East.

Lt Gen Shikapwasha further called on all peace loving parties in the Middle East to continue searching for peace and security.

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