
Sunday, July 20, 2008

FRA to build new sheds

FRA to build new sheds
By Fridah Zinyama
Saturday July 19, 2008 [04:00]

THE Food Reserve Agency (FRA) has sourced about US$ 11.6 million for building new sheds around the country. This is in addition to the US$2 million that the agency is spending to rehabilitate silos in Lusaka Province. In an interview, FRA executive director Dr Anthony Mwanaumo said the rehabilitation and building works are aimed at improving the agency's storing facilities.

"We will spend US $ 11.6 million through a Chinese government concession loan facility and is expected to add 98,000 metric tonnes of covered storage space to the nation once completed," he explained. "In addition, the rehabilitation of the Lusaka grain silo will be done at a cost of US$ 2 million by the Grain Marketing Board of Zimbabwe and is funded by the FRA."

Dr Mwanaumo said the works on the shed should be completed by September this year.
"The construction and rehabilitation of sheds will be commenced in August 2008 to be completed by 2009," he said.

And Dr Mwanaumo added that the rehabilitation of the silo would not only add to the much needed space but also the convenience associated with grain storage and handling as compared to sheds, let alone slabs.

"Grain stored in a silo can remain in good condition for a longer period because fumigation and grain management is more effective as compared to sheds," he said. "In addition, silos are desirable and appropriate for bulk transportation of grain."

Dr Mwanaumo explained that this was important for FRA as it was increasingly involved in the export trade of grain.

"Furthermore, losses associated with deteriorating crop quality due to long periods of outdoor storage will be reduced in these locations," said Dr Mwanaumo. "Equally important, the need for crop transportation over long distances each season will be reduced thereby saving on transportation costs."

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