
Sunday, July 20, 2008

(HERALD) Don’t accept Western influence

Don’t accept Western influence

EDITOR — I would like to urge the MDC-T faction leader, Mr Morgan Tsvangirai not to accept any influence from the West and work as a true Zimbabwean. I strongly believe that if all the political parties in this country agree and work together as fellow Zimbabweans this may help in the ending of the political stalemate, which has characterised the Zimbabwean political arena since the March 29, harmonised polls.

Truthfully speaking, if the two MDC factions agree to work together and unite with Zanu-PF, they can greatly help in the calling for the removal of the illegal sanctions and our country’s detractors will be totally shamed as they will have no other reason for their continued meddling in our domestic affairs.

Mr Tsvangirai right now knows that the continued economic recession and its impact on the ordinary Zimbabwean is very disastrous and knows that all this can be prevented through him personally condemning the sanctions.

I know that this is going to be a major step in history and this will mark the beginning of a new and prosperous Zimbabwe.

The resilience showed by both the AU and Sadc and, most of all, President Mbeki shows that Africa is strongly united and does not accept any external influence especially from Western imperialists who want to divide and rule.

Most people will agree with me that unity and peace is the only key to economic success and development. Everyone would like to see a united Zimbabwe.

Joseph Tendai Tayedzerwa.

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