
Friday, July 04, 2008

(HERALD) Only Zimbabweans can solve own issues

Only Zimbabweans can solve own issues

THE presidential run-off came and went and the fall-out predicted by Westerners has not come to pass. If anything, the African Union that foreigners expected to lynch Zimbabwe refused to do so even though it fell short by not telling the Anglo-Saxon alliance to back off. All the same African leaders, in urging the main political parties in Zimbabwe to come to the table to talk over their differences, have endorsed the stance of Sadc’s point man, President Mbeki, who has always insisted that the problems in Zimbabwe can only be solved by Zimbabweans.

We hail African leaders for that maturity and hope that politicians, particularly those in the opposition, realise fast that dialogue is the only way to find common ground for nation building.

To this end, we are encouraged by the statements made by former MDC spokesman Gabriel Chaibva who urged the opposition leadership to recognise President Mugabe as the legitimate leader of Zimbabwe as a starting point for dialogue.

At the same time, we are saddened by his party’s decision to suspend him simply because he chose to attend President Mugabe’s inauguration.

Chaibva’s statements and actions are the most progressive to come from the opposition camp in a long time, and if all in the opposition valued such maturity, our country would be a much better place today.

To this end, we urge those in the other half of the MDC — led by Morgan Tsvangirai — to stop grandstanding and issuing contradictory statements on their position on the talks.

They must come clean on their intentions so that we can move on with the business of

defeating the illegal sanctions imposed by their allies.

The MDC-T leadership must realise, and realise fast that they are not the be all and end all of opposition politics in Zimbabwe, neither are they in a position to poke their noses at Zanu-PF as if they are victors.

It is an undeniable fact that Zanu-PF is in firm control of the legislature, while MDC-T does not control even a single chamber.

Zanu-PF won resoundingly the presidency and as such can form a Government with or without MDC-T.

As Chaibva pointed out, Jonas Savimbi and his Unita chose that destructive path in 1992, not knowing that he was digging not only his political but his real grave as he died by the sword in February 2002 just 10 years after refusing to join the MPLA in nation building.

As President Mugabe is on record saying, it is now time to turn our swords into ploughshares.

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