
Thursday, July 17, 2008

(HERALD) Stand firm against US, UK arrogance

Stand firm against US, UK arrogance

LAST week, the world was treated to yet another display of the kind of supreme arrogance that has characterised the West’s engagement of Zimbabwe since the start of the Land Reform Programme. In this instance, the United States, Britain, France and their allies in the illegal regime change agenda tried to get the United Nations to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe. These countries were trying to find a way to legitimise the unilateral economic embargo they already have on the country through the structures of the UN.

Thankfully, reason and sanity prevailed and South Africa, Libya, Vietnam, Russia and China effectively opposed this latest attempt to interfere in the internal political affairs of a sovereign nation.

While the West learnt its lesson that the world will not roll over and accept whatever insults are thrown their way by military powers, there was also a poignant lesson for the UN and Africa from all this.

Firstly, the UN must find ways of ensuring that its offices and structures are not abused by individuals such as George W. Bush and Gordon Brown, who have their own personal scores to settle with Zimbabwe.

The most democratic organ of the UN, the General Assembly, must seriously consider coming up with punitive measures to deter warmongers from bringing forward frivolous draft resolutions that only serve to divide what should be an organisation that seeks to foster global unity.

It is in the best interests of all UN members to send a clear and strong message to countries like the US and Britain that the organisation exists to deal with real issues, not to appease the flippant political desires of power-drunk Western countries.

Secondly, the African Union must realise that the West does not care about what this continent’s leaders and people say or want.

The AU passed a resolution in Egypt earlier this month in which they made it clear that South Africa’s President Thabo Mbeki should be given the room and support he requires to complete his facilitation of dialogue between Zimbabwe’s political parties.

The AU was also unambiguous about the fact that there should be no interference by any interest group whether inside or outside Africa unless President Mbeki has expressed a desire for assistance.

By taking a draft resolution to the Security Council calling for sanctions on Zimbabwe, the US, Britain and their motley band of supporters have demonstrated that they are not interested in what Africa thinks.

As such, the AU must realise that the West simply wants to criticise and control the rest of the world.

If Africa allows such a thing to continue, history will judge the present crop of continental leaders harshly for watching as our sovereignty is compromised in such a blatantly crude manner.

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