Monday, July 14, 2008

Judiciary must win the fight against corruption - judge Chirwa

Judiciary must win the fight against corruption - judge Chirwa
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Monday July 14, 2008 [04:05]

SUPREME Court judge Dennis Chirwa has said the judiciary must win the fight against corruption. And justice Chirwa urged magistrates not to take bribes because they blind the eyes of the wise and subvert the cause of the righteous. Justice Chirwa, who was representing Deputy Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima during the official opening of a workshop on corruption for magistrates in Ndola last Friday, said the judiciary could not afford to take a neutral stand in the fight against corruption.

Justice Chirwa said it would be naive to deny the existence of corruption in the country and in the judiciary.

"We must be part of the fight against corruption," he said.

Justice Chirwa admitted that there were many complaints received that interpreters and other support staff were used to solicit and collect bribes on behalf of the magistrates.

He said that it was the duty of magistrates to see that junior staff upheld law and order quickly because any delay could indirectly tarnish the name of the judiciary and its standing.

"I regret to state that some prosecutors seem to derive pleasure in adjournments by giving the same old story of 'I have no witnesses'. Please, stop that and let justice prevail," he said.

Justice Chirwa said corruption did not only distort the economy by making business and life expensive but that it perpetuated poverty in society.

He said corruption did a lot of injustice to the judiciary and that it was important that they had joined in the fight against the vice.

"As magistrates, you should strictly adhere to the judicial code of conduct. Eliminate that human greed of accumulating dishonest wealth. You cannot say one thing in court and then later alter the record to fit the circumstances of bribery. Desist from corruption," he said.

Justice Chirwa said there was need to continuously learn about corruption so that the judiciary could be aware of the modern trends and how to fight it.

Justice Chirwa also urged the public not to expect a magistrate to help them in prosecuting their cases because it was not the role of the court.

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