
Monday, July 21, 2008

Letters - The President's Health

Article 36
By Marvin Chibuye
Monday July 21, 2008 [04:00]

The health of President Mwanawasa has caused concerns in the country and now the main opposition party PF has called for a medical investigation to determine whether President Levy Mwanawasa is fit to lead the country. Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata is reported to have said people did not believe government assurances that the President was in a stable condition.

One can read between the lines that Sata is calling to bring into play Article 36 of our Republican Constitution, which talks about the removal of the President on grounds of incapacity.

It sounds crude but it is provided for in our Constitution so as not to create a leadership vacuum and I presume the call is not out of spite from the friend of the President. It is a cry of concern so as to avoid a crisis in the country.

I am sure the MMD leadership is aware that this issue has caused anxiety in the minds of many Zambians and it would help if their spokesman Mulongoti did not confuse the nation by alluding to the MMD constitution in response to Sata's call.

Mulongoti said the MMD's constitution governs the election of a party leader and warned against acting out of panic. The MMD should be guided by their constitution but what Sata is talking about should be addressed in the context of the provisions of the Republican Constitution.

I just wanted to put the record straight; praying God grants President Mwanawasa a speedy recovery to save us from uncertainty.

Prayers for the President
By Patrick Zulu,Kabwe
Monday July 21, 2008 [04:00]

I'd like to wish our President a quick recovery. On the other hand, it is sad that a few politicians have continued to mislead the country on the condition of our beloved President. Who doesn't know what a stroke can do to a human being? We live with relatives and friends who have had strokes and we have been able to see the effects. I'm talking about the results of one attack only.

What more a person having had two strokes? To make matters worse, the people updating us are not even medical professionals.
Why can't the government send medical professionals to Paris to bring us a proper report on his condition?

And to the men of God, please do not be used by these politicians in mobilising people for prayers. As they ask for prayers, let them be truthful.

Ask the politicians or those who update us where we need to direct our prayers. We do not need to just broadcast our prayers. We know God knows the President’s condition, but we need to mention it.
God answers where there is truth.

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