
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Not Katele, please!

Not Katele, please!
By Editor
Wednesday July 16, 2008 [06:00]

PRESIDENT Levy Mwanawasa's illness should make us think and meditate deeply over the question of our country's political leadership. There is need to reflect deeply over the type of political leadership we would like to see in our country. And if tomorrow we were to wake up and be told that President Mwanawasa feels he is no longer able to continue with the leadership of the country, we should know exactly what type of person should succeed him.

President Mwanawasa has tried his best to promote honest leadership in our country. He has been opposed to the leadership of thieves andhas fought against corruption in the MMD and in his government. But corrupt elements are like roaches, they are not easy to eliminate and sometimes can be very resistant to all sorts of insecticides. Today the MMD and its government still has some corrupt elements. And the party's national secretary Katele Kalumba is being prosecuted on corruption charges.

We think the highest political thought was reached when some people became aware that no individual had the right to rob others, to steal from others, and that the fruits of the efforts and intelligence of each human being should reach all others; that man really had no need to be a wolf, but could be a brother to man. That is the main essence of President Mwanawasa's leadership.

And we welcome all other politicians in our country who have arrived at these stimulating convictions and we also salute those who, although they may not share President Mwanawasa's approach to political leadership, are honest democrats and progressives, because consistently practised political honesty is a road that leads one's mind and will to noble ideals; for if someone once said that all roads led to Rome, today it can be said that all roads of honest politics lead to good governance and national progress.

And when it comes to national leadership, we should all try to look at ourselves in the mirror. Not every one of us has what it takes to be a good political leader. Some of these things they say kuyipima; you weigh yourself and see if you have what it takes to be a good political leader. If not, take another role - there are many roles one can play in life. And this is true of Katele. Given the corruption, criminal offences Katele is facing there is no way he should sensibly consider himself for the presidency of this country whatever his other merits. President Mwanawasa's government is not maliciously prosecuting Katele for corruption. If it is, let Katele tell the nation the truth and publicly declare that President Mwanawasa is a malicious person, out to victimise him for political reasons.

We are not saying Katele has been convicted of the corruption charges he is facing. All that can be said at this stage is that Katele is not being maliciously prosecuted. If this were the case, his lawyers would have raised the issue of malicious prosecution. The case of Katele's corruption is a strong one, and one which has been correctly put before our courts of law. There is a good reason for Katele to be prosecuted and not for him to go scot-free. The charges levelled against Katele are reasonable and fair ones. Katele had not conducted himself well as a minister in the Chiluba government. He had put personal interests before common good.

All those who are in the politics of our country should realise that they have got a very important role to play in the affairs of our country. Political leaders are needed to guide the energies of all towards the common good. And this being the case, all who enter the politics of our country should be conscious of their specific proper roles in our political community.

The political leadership of our country needs people with high credibility and not petty politicians with sticky fingers.
There is need for a conversion of heart in order to build our country into a more just, fair and humane society.

If our country is to move forward, honest leadership should be demanded of all our politicians. We need honest politicians because no one can call others to virtues which they themselves do not make an effort to practise. We need political leaders who are exemplary in their lives.

We must choose our political leaders wisely and only support politicians who are known for their honesty, ability, dedication, and concern for the welfare of all. Corrupt elements cannot be said to be honest in their dealings and to have the concern for the welfare of all. Participation in the political life of our country should be guided by high values, by honesty and integrity.

What our people are seeking is genuine democracy in which the leaders are servants of the electorate and not its robbers.

Good governance only occurs when we have honest and humble leaders who see politics as a vocation to serve the people. No one deserves to be made a political leader unless they are honest, they are not corrupt, they don't have a record of robbing the public and love their country and its people more than themselves.

We are aware that politics is an area of great importance for promoting justice and development and community among all. And as such it should not be left to elements like Katele who are facing charges in our courts of law for corruption, dishonest dealings, lack of concern for the common good, people who only think about themselves and have no concern for the lives and plight of others.

We should all start to regard politics as a vocation, a way of building up society for the common good. When we start to regard politics in this way, the likes of Katele will realise that they have no place in political leadership unless they adhere to honest dealings.

We share some of the concerns raised by Benny Tetamashimba about Katele. This man is not yet fit to be considered for political leadership at any level in our country. He is actually an embarrassment to the current MMD of President Mwanawasa. Katele would have fitted in very well in the previous MMD of Frederick Chiluba - that was nothing but a cabal, a tandem of thieves.

The MMD should not entertain, in whatever way, elevating Katele to the position of party president. What they should do instead is work towards removing him completely from the party leadership. They should not wait for the court to do that for them by convicting him and sending him to jail. It will be the greatest insult to President Mwanawasa's legacy if he is replaced by a person like Katele. And those who will be involved in such a process should accept to answer for it when the time of judgment comes.

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