
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Number of would-be investors in energy sector cheers government

Number of would-be investors in energy sector cheers government
By Katwishi Bwalya
Friday July 25, 2008 [04:00]

ENERGY minister Kenneth Konga says the government is impressed with the number of local investors wishing to invest in the energy sector. And Konga has disclosed that the government will soon conclude negotiations with Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZNCB) over the financing of the importation of crude oil.

In an interview, Konga said the ministry had received an overwhelming response to government’s calls for the private sector to invest in the energy sector amid the power challenges the region was facing.

Konga said the government was currently in talks with a local investor who would develop the Kabompo Gorge in North Western Province at a cost of US$50 million.

He said some other investors had shown interest in developing the Mambilima Falls in Luapula Province.

He said the investors were supplementing Zesco’s efforts in providing power for longer hours to the citizens.

He said Chikata Falls and Mumbututa Falls were some of the waterfalls that had attracted the interest of investors.

And Konga has described the negations with Zanaco as successful.

“The negotiations are going on smoothly and as government we are happy and we hope to conclude very soon,” said Konga.

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