
Saturday, July 26, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Makumbe not arrested, only questioned ― police

Makumbe not arrested, only questioned ― police
Floyd Nkomo
Fri, 25 Jul 2008 10:11:00 +0000

HARARE police yesterday visited Dr John Makumbe, a University of Zimbabwe political science lecturer and political commentator, to substantiate allegations that he made claiming that there were people in Zimbabwe still living in the mountains for fear of their lives, but had not arrested him as reported in sections of the media.

According to police sources, Makumbe’s claims that violence was still going on in some parts of the country were unfounded. A statement issued Thursday said Makumbe had "failed to substantiate the claims” he made on a ZBC TV programme, ‘Zimbabwe Today’ which was broadcast on Wednesday night. Dr Makumbe is reported to have said that he obtains all his information from Voice of America’s (VOA) Studio 7 reports on Zimbabwe and The Zimbabwean weekly newspaper.

Yesterday Dr Makumbe told VOA’s Studio 7 that he was skeptical of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between the ruling Zanu PF party and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change is not very “keen of power sharing” with Zanu PF.

He added that Zanu PF wanted to use the MDC as a ‘cleaning agent’ to make themselves ‘sellable’ to the region and the international community.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Dr Makumbe was less skeptical, referring to the MOU as “a tentative step in the right direction, but at this point everything is tentative,”

“The situation in the country is desperate and the gulf between the parties immense.”

Meanwhile, the new ZBH Chief Executive Officer, Happison Muchechetere is said to have reminded guests invited on national TV programmes to be people of integrity who do not 'peddle falsehoods'.

Since he took over from Henry Muradzikwa (the former CEO), Muchechetere has invited political and civic leaders onto the programme to ensure fairness and balance in national programming.

Some of the people who have appeared on the weekly “Zimbabwe Today” programme include MDC (Tsvangirai) spokesman, Nelson Chamisa, lawyer and political activist Douglas Mwonzora, former MDC (Mutambara) spokesman Gabriel Chaibva, MDC-M secretary general Professor Welshman Ncube, among other opposition and civic personalities.

Muchechetere said the national broadcaster expects guests on its programmes to speak the truth and not mislead viewers and listeners by making false or exaggerated statements adding that public interest was at the heart of national programming and fairness and sincerity was the only goal

Zimbabwe’s main political parties, Zanu PF and the two formations of the opposition MDC kick started the crisis talks at a secret location in South Africa’s capital Pretoria yesterday. The talks, embargoed from the public and the media, are likely to resolve the current political and economic impasse in the country.

Both sides have stressed their sincerity in ending the long time feud and work towards a peaceful resolution to the Zimbabwean crisis - a move welcomed by many Zimbabweans.

Sources say the parties may sign a power-sharing agreement soon as they have already agreed on a wide range of issues, including a new constitution. The biggest sticking point is said to be on the type and structure of a shared government. The opposition MDC prefers a 'transitional authority' which leads to a credible, democratic election, but Zanu PF is said to favour a government of national unity.

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