
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC statements mirror those of the West

MDC statements mirror those of the West
Mon, 14 Jul 2008 20:05:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR—Has anyone noticed how the statements issued by the MDC (Tsvangirai) seem to be in sync every time with opinion in Britain and America and the respective media organisations that support them?

These days when I read about Zimbabwe and listen to certain sections of the media report on the country, I feel like I am listening to party political broadcasts by the MDC-T.

There are many cases in point.

Did anyone notice how quickly MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvangirai returned home from his self-imposed exile in South Africa and Botswana when U.S. ambassador James McGee mentioned that Tsvangirai had made a tactical error staying away from those who voted for him? Tsvangirai returned home after McGee had visited South Africa.

The language used by the MDC-T is almost a mirror of U.S. and U.K. language. The term ‘sham election’ was first heard in a statement issued by Tsvangirai after President Robert Mugabe’s inauguration. Ever since, it has been repeated by Gordon Brown, George Bush and some media organisations and critics that support the MDC-T party and its leader.

On Friday the U.K. expressed that they did not believe in the current talks going on in South Africa after a U.N Security Council resolution (crafted by Britain and the U.S.) calling for sanctions against Zimbabwe, had been blocked by China and Russia. Many of us expected the MDC-T to issue a statement mirroring that statement and on Saturday they did.

The examples are endless: calling on President Mugabe to recognize the March 29 election; alleging that the Zanu PF government will brought to its knees by sanctions, calling on extension of the mediation team and vilifying President Thabo Mbeki’s mediation efforts, etc. The examples are endless.

This makes the MDC-T, indeed, look like a puppet of the West – an allegation they had always refuted until now when it has become obvious that they are. Will this party ever be truly Zimbabwean?


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