
Friday, July 18, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Peace, prosperity and progress in Zimbabwe

Peace, prosperity and progress in Zimbabwe
Stephen - Opinion
Thu, 17 Jul 2008 00:10:00 +0000

ISN’T it amazing that it seems people are more interested in controversy rather than progress? Zimbabwe was in the news every hour when the situation was tense and acrimonious during the elections. Now that the parties are talking no one is interested except the British who seem bent on intensifying our suffering as ordinary Zimbabweans.

Why are they still calling for sanctions from EU now that UN threw their cruel request out? A few years ago they told us that sanctions were targeted at 130 people in Mugabe’s Government, but look how many have suffered. If anything the so called 130 are the only ones prepared having been forewarned and believing they were the ones targeted.

Millions of Zimbabweans are suffering under the weight of INFLATION which was ignited and sustained by IMF and World Bank policies. Was it not them who led Gono on the garden path with indications of easing the burden if he paid off the debt? Zimbabwe is now the least indebted country to these satanic institutions in spite of getting no assistance whatsoever and instead punitive measures.

There have been prayers from all quarters among Zimbabweans for Peace and Prosperity. It is a fact that every conflict is known to come to an end when people talk. Zimbabweans must now pray that the belligerents come to an agreement as soon as possible. After all they are all Zimbabweans whose first and foremost want progress. As long as the spoilers (read UK and allies) stay away there is no reason why we cannot afford Christmas this year.

Zanu PF and MDC remember the game played by old schools? Spoilers would put up mounds of earth on the ground and make innocent friends fight by telling them these represented each others mother’s breast. Many got into serious harm. Do not allow the imperialists to do the same. We will destroy each other for no reason except the interests of the imperialists.

Partisans put away the yokes of these parties and wear the flag of Zimbabwe only. We all hope that Zimbabweans have learnt the lesson that parties are instruments used by leaders to jockey for power. Think of the many people who have rescinded friendships because one supports Chelsea and the other Manchester United when in reality they have never been to Britain let alone have a real good reason to support those teams at the expense of real relationships!

Let us wake up to a new day with president RGM and Prime Minister MT, No sanctions, No run away inflation, No coercion. Let us wake up affording transport, a loaf of bread, school fees, a piece of meat, enjoying the sun.

What kind of demons that make people prefer suffering to progress? What kind of demons make people prefer other people’s money to theirs? What kind of demons make one throw away respect of your own parent and prostrate at a stranger? What kind of demon makes one deride your heroes and lick the feet of other people’s convicts? What kind of demon makes one prefer war to peace?

Let these be cast off to where they came from. Let Zimbabweans sing our national anthem, Let Zimbabweans cheer your sporting sons and daughters. Let a Zimbabwean sing the praise songs of our totems. Let a Zimbabwean stop fighting. Let a Zimbabwean use talent for the benefit of Zimbabwe instead of enriching leeches and exploiters.


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