
Thursday, July 31, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Sanctions hurting ordinary folk - Gono

Sanctions hurting ordinary folk - Gono
Floyd Nkomo
Wed, 30 Jul 2008 21:56:00 +0000

THE Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor says sanctions imposed by the West are not just targeted at individual politicians as claimed by Western governments and related media, but are hurting ‘ordinary folk’ and are tantamount to a direct attack on press freedom. In a statement released yesterday, Dr. Gideon Gono shed some light on the recent cancellation of a 50 year old contract by a German printing firm, Giesecke and Devrient GmbH, which has supplied Zimbabwe with money printing paper.

“On 2 July 2008 this Governor received a letter from Germany, indicating that for political reasons, our currency paper supplies for over 50 years were unilaterally terminating supplying us immediately,” said Gono.

He said Germany “was deliberately seeking to punish the people of Zimbabwe for unspecified mysterious reasons.”

Dr. Gono added that Germany proceeded to freeze Zimbabwe’s accounts and impounded “scarce foreign currency resources that were destined for food imports to feed the vulnerable in our society.”

“Part of the foreign exchange that was impounded in Germany was earmarked to pay for medical drugs, including ARVS for HIV/AIDS patients,” read the statement.

Dr. Gono also said the European Union was also now targeting journalists for not holding opinions favourable to them.

He said by imposing sanctions on parastatals and other key national institutions, E.U. countries were deliberately targeting civilian populations who had nothing to do with the conduct of politics in the country..

He blamed the E.U. and the U.S. for double standards saying the attack on journalists was an “audacious and yet unfortunate attack not just on press freedom … but also on the principle of tolerance that is at the heart of what many, including the U.S. government, say is absent in our national politics today.”

Governor Gono also said that Zimbabweans should unite and fight these sanctions, urging all political parties in the country to "set aside partisan lines" and work together as Zimbabweans.

1 comment:

  1. COMMENT - This is why no African country can ever be independent while it depends on international trade for it's economy. We HAVE to start producing our own goods, there is no alternative to it.

    " Sactions hurting ordianry folk obviously Gono you do not need to tell us. "

    You MDC people need to make up your mind - are there sanctions or are there no sanctions? Also, will this mean that you are going to stop calling for more sanctions?

    You can tell that the MDC is not the party of the people, when they deny that sanctions against Zimbabwe exist because they know how unpopular sanctions are with ordinary people. The ANC never denied there were sanctions, the MDC do. Think about that.

    The MDC is just a western instrument.
