
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) 'United States of Zimbabwe'

'United States of Zimbabwe'
Wed, 02 Jul 2008 00:01:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR—Statements made on Monday by Carol Thompson, U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for African affairs, cannot go unchallenged. Thompson said that a unity government without the opposition Movement for Democratic Change in the lead would be “completely unacceptable.” This made for amusing reading, to say the least. Now the U.S. is part of the electorate in Zimbabwe. Who do they think they are to determine things in Zimbabwe?

This is the kind of arrogance by Western governments that infuriates people the world over and U.S. should respect the sovereignty of nations. The U.S. might have the power and influence to change regimes the world over; but I can guarantee them that they do not have the power to ensure peace in the countries they invade.

Iraq is a case in point and the lessons learnt there should be ample proof that U.S. cannot force its values on countries, without bloodshed.

Morgan Tsvangirai will find that country ungovernable if he is installed as a puppet. Infact, I should say he will never govern it if he is installed by force.

Some of us will even consider defending our right to make our decisions if the U.S. proceeds unilaterally in imposing decisions on Zimbabwe. It took a long and protracted war to get where we are and like any other country, we will make our mistakes and come out of them without undue influence from the West.

When the U.S. election victory was stolen from Al Gore the rest of the world respected the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court. Likewise, we expect the U.S. to respect the institutions of our own countries.

New Zealand

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