Tuesday, July 01, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) US unilateral 'military' action on Zimbabwe

US unilateral 'military' action on Zimbabwe
Tue, 01 Jul 2008 00:00:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR — Threats of military intervention have begun to increase especially in Western media. I was disheartened to see Al Jazeera (English) – a channel allowed to report from Zimbabwe and with access to all officials in government and the opposition – joining in the misinformation and ‘terror’ campaign. Threats of war will only serve to scare Zimbabweans who have already suffered enough.

A report on Al Jazeera (Eng.) yesterday seemed to suggest that the U.S. was mulling taking unilateral military action on Zimbabwe. Are we living in ‘Cold War’ times now? The world seems to be split now with China and Russia set to block any UN action on Zimbabwe. Are the British ‘divide-and-rule-actics’ splitting Africa into two?

The media has to be careful. By running story lines that are irresponsible and suggestive, they run the risk of inciting war and violence.

Apart from Al Jazeera, some internet-based reports and broadcasts have fanned violence in Zimbabwe.

A government cannot be put on the defensive for as long as the Zimbabwean government has been.

Those who make threats of militarily taking over Zimbabwe and killing off Zanu PF officials should not be surprised when the government goes on high alert to ready itself for those threats.

Al Jazeera (Eng.) have exclusive access to Zimbabwe and they do not seem to be taking advantage of it by reporting the truth and not intimidating people by adopting suggestive story lines.


London, U.K.

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