
Monday, July 07, 2008

UNIP factions team up to unseat Tilyenji

UNIP factions team up to unseat Tilyenji
By Mutuna Chanda and Kelvin Tembo
Monday July 07, 2008 [04:00]

THREE UNIP factions have teamed up to unseat the Tilyenji Kaunda-led executive.
But Tilyenji yesterday said the faction was not part of UNIP. The factions previously led by General Malimba Masheke, former Kasenengwa member of parliament, Timothy Nyirenda and Dr Kamoyo Mwale met last Thursday and dissolved themselves to form the UNIP National Revival Forum.

The meeting elected the forum’s management committee comprising Gen Masheke as chairman, Dr Mwale, Nyirenda, Mulenga Mwiche, Queen Kapembwa, Captain Charles Mbilika and Lt Col Henry Muyoba.

Dr Sketchley Sachika was also appointed as advisor. In a statement jointly signed by Gen Masheke and Mwiche, the meeting resolved that the party congress be held soon to elect a new central committee.

“Noting that the Tilyenji-led central committee’s mandate expired in 2005 and that Mr Tilyenji and his group are holding office illegally and unconstitutionally, the UNIP National Revival Forum resolved that, a party congress be held as soon as possible to elect a new central committee to replace the Tilyenji-led central committee which was elected in 2000,” stated the duo. “The UNIP National Revival Forum undertakes to carry out a comprehensive re-organisation of all the party organs in preparation for party congress.”

They invited people including those in the Tilyenji camp to join the forum.
But Tilyenji said he was open to criticism, which came from credible people.
Tilyenji also accused The Post of supporting groups that were trying to discredit the party. He said The Post knew who was UNIP and they could not allow factions that were against the leadership of the party.

“It is not a secret that you (The Post) have an interest in the party and have been supporting people who want to destroy our party. You have not been kind to us” said Tilyenji.

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