
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

We can learn a lot from KK - Zuma

We can learn a lot from KK - Zuma
By Noel Sichalwe
Wednesday July 30, 2008 [14:36]

SOUTH Africa's ANC president Jacob Zuma yesterday said there is a lot that the current African leaders can learn from Dr Kenneth Kaunda.

Speaking after paying a courtesy call on Dr Kaunda at his Kabulonga office yesterday, Zuma said Dr Kaunda had a lot of wisdom that he used when he was president of Zambia.

"There is a lot to learn from old leaders like President Kaunda. As you know, he is among the first leaders in the region who liberated this country and he is one of those who was broad in thinking, who believed that the liberation of Zambia was not enough and he was true to his word up to the end. He led the country for a long time," he said.

Zuma said Dr Kaunda dealt with very difficult issues during his leadership and that his experience could be useful to the current African leaders.

""That is where we should be taking notes from. I don't know if all leaders are learning from old leaders but I know some," he said.

Zuma said the current leaders should learn from leaders like Dr Kaunda and former South African president Nelson Mandela in order to solve some of the problems on the African continent.

And Dr Kaunda said he was happy that Zuma had visited him at his office.
Earlier, Zuma and Dr Kaunda held a one-hour closed-door meeting although they could not disclose what they had discussed.

Zuma, who was attending the 18th International Global Southern Africa Smart Partnership Dialogue conference in Lusaka, has since returned to South Africa.

Zuma, a former vice-president, is tipped to become the next South African president after President Thabo Mbeki's term expires next year.

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