
Thursday, August 14, 2008

BBC correspondent sues Times of Zambia for libel

BBC correspondent sues Times of Zambia for libel
By Noel Sichalwe
Thursday August 14, 2008 [04:00]

BBC Sports correspondent Kennedy Gondwe has sued Times of Zambia for libel. According to a statement of claim filed in the Lusaka High Court on July 30, 2008, Gondwe stated that on June 29, 2008 Times of Zambia falsely and maliciously wrote, printed and published or caused to be written words which were defamatory against him.

The article read, "Kennedy is not alone, there are many waiting in the terraces for coach Herve Renard and FAZ president Kalusha Bwalya's committee to fail so that they can laugh themselves silly.

They are waiting for the moment when they will pump hands over drinks, coffee, cigarettes, champagne and wine hiding in their darkened sheds before toasting to the defeat of the Chipolopolo. To them, Zambia's 1-0 win against Swaziland was certainly not good at all especially that chances of qualification still looked blurred as they just might tumble on the way."

"I thought FAZ elections were long gone and that those who had their manifestos cancelled out would stay beaten and wait for the 2011 FAZ elections so they could try their luck again, how mistaken I was."
Gondwe contended that the words referred to and were understood to him and others as he was specifically mentioned.

"The defendant by its own words intended to bring the plaintiff into total disrepute with the public at large and particularly with those currently charged with the responsibility of running footballing affairs in Zambia," Gondwe stated.

He argued that the words meant and were understood to mean that he belonged to a group of malcontents who despised the current FAZ executive and those who celebrated any failure on the part of Zambia national football team and its technical staff.

Gondwe contended that the words meant that he belonged to a group of people who harboured aspirations for positions in FAZ executive and were consequently undermining the efforts of the current executive instead of waiting for the next elections in 2011.

"The plaintiff in consequence of the said words has been seriously injured in his character, credit and reputation and has been brought into public scandal, odium and contempt," he noted.

Gondwe further argued that because of the article, he had suffered damage to his integrity, objectivity, professionalism and impartiality as a sports journalist.

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