
Friday, August 22, 2008

Bottle shortage hits Zambian Breweries

Bottle shortage hits Zambian Breweries
By Fridah Zinyama
Friday August 22, 2008 [04:00]

ZAMBIAN Breweries has been hit by a shortage of bottles. In an interview, company corporate affairs director Wendy Muche said the shortage of bottles is affecting the company’s production capacity. Muche said Zambian Breweries currently had a challenge to find an adequate supply of bottles.

“Our biggest challenge at the moment has been bottles,” she said. “We have therefore been packing beer as and when we get bottles.”

Muche said the company has been buying bottles from South Africa. “But we would rather have the local people sell their bottles to us instead of always importing bottles from South Africa,” she said.

Muche appealed to the public to sell their beer bottles at the containers that are based in their areas. “We are buying those bottles and people should know that they can earn some money from the sell of all the bottles that they are keeping in the homes,” she said.

Earlier in the month, some parts of the Copperbelt and Lusaka provinces had been hit by a shortage of beverages. Muche said the shortage of soft drinks on the market would soon be normalised.

Most shops in Lusaka have run out of the soft drinks with some traders taking advantage and hiking the price of the drinks by between K100 to K200.

Some of the local bars also ran out of Castle Lager.
Retailers have attributed the shortage of the beverages to non -supply of the commodity from the wholesalers while the suppliers have also attributed the shortage to low supply from Zambian Breweries.
However, Muche said the company would soon embark on full production of soft drinks to meet the local demand.

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