
Monday, August 11, 2008

Consider options over Levy's succession - VJ

Consider options over Levy's succession - VJ
By Patson Chilemba
Monday August 11, 2008 [04:00]

Vernon Mwaanga has urged the nation to consider constitutional options over the succession of President Levy Mwanawasa. However, Mwaanga said the nation should remain hopeful that President Mwanawasa will return. Commenting on health minister Dr Brian Chituwo's ministerial statement to Parliament last Friday that President Levy Mwanawasa would take long to heal, Mwaanga said should the situation arise anytime soon, it would be necessary for the nation to start looking at the constitutional provisions available over the President's succession.

"I don't think we should get excited and emotional. We must take the interest of the nation into account. President Mwanawasa is a strict constitutionalist, I don't think he would want to get the nation into regression. I am sure that the statement by the health minister was instructive and I am sure that should enable government to plan," Mwaanga said. "We have entered the sixth week and obviously the nation has been peaceful, but there will come a time when need will arise to move the country forward so that the uncertainty which has engulfed the nation does not continue."

Mwaanga, a former freedom fighter and minister in the Kaunda, Chiluba and Mwanawasa governments, said just like any other great country, Zambia should consider constitutional provisions when time comes. He said every great nation must be able to look ahead. Mwaanga said constitutional provisions for succession both at national level and in the MMD were adequate.

"The constitution MMD constitution states that in the absence of the President, the vice-president shall act. But since in the MMD we don't have a vice-president, the constitution goes on to say that the national chairman shall act," said Mwaanga.

Last Friday, Dr Chituwo told Parliament that President Mwanawasa's healing process would take long but that his condition was stable.

President Mwanawasa suffered a second stroke on June 29 in the resort city of Sharm-el-Sheik in Egypt where he had gone to attend the African Union (AU) heads of state summit and was later evacuated to Percy Military Hospital in Paris, France on July 1 where he is still admitted.

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