
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Continue corruption fight - KK

Continue corruption fight - KK
By Jack Zimba, Mwala Kalaluka and Amos Malupenga
Wednesday August 20, 2008 [04:00]

DR Kenneth Kaunda yesterday urged Zambians to continue with the fight against corruption that President Levy Mwanawasa started. And veteran politician Vernon Mwaanga urged Zambians to ensure that political and economic gains under President Mwanawasa were not lost. In a sombre tribute to President Mwanawasa during a press briefing at his Kabulonga office in Lusaka, Dr Kaunda called for unity of purpose through the country's motto of One Zambia One Nation. He said Zambia had been plunged in a period of uncertainty in view of President Mwanawasa's death.

"I have learnt with a deepest sense of shock and sorrow of the untimely death of our President," Dr Kaunda said. "Zambia has therefore lost a great leader who had a vision for this country; a vision to attain economic and social development for Zambia, a vision to attain prosperity for the people of this country whom he loved so much.

"I have no doubt in my mind that if we follow his exemplary leadership, we will be able to eradicate poverty and underdevelopment. We need unity of purpose through our motto: One Zambia One Nation. And that dream lies in unity, peace, stability, security and continuity of the programmes that he had started; programmes which were intended to clean up the country of graft, corruption and other anti-social vices."

Dr Kaunda said President Mwanawasa provided impeccable leadership to the nation and the African continent.

"President Mwanawasa was a true servant of the people, who served the country loyally with dignity and honour. He was a relentless advocate for the universal observance of human rights, rule of law and had been a committed campaigner against graft and corruption, essential tenets of good governance," said Dr Kaunda who also conveyed his deepest condolences to first lady Maureen and the family during this difficult period.

And Vernon Mwaanga, who is in South Africa, said: "Fate has robbed us of our President at a time when the country is beginning to enjoy some economic progress. President Mwanawasa invested so much of his time and effort in the wellbeing of the Zambian people and it is a cruel reality of fate that he has not been able to complete his mission.

"As I join other Zambians in mourning, it is important to remind ourselves of the succession task that lie ahead. We should approach it in a realistic and dignified manner so that the political and economic gains the country has made under President Mwanawasa are not reversed, but further enhanced and consolidated. We must put the country first."

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