
Friday, August 15, 2008

Convictions cheer attorney General

Convictions cheer attorney General
By Laura Mushaukwa
Friday August 15, 2008 [04:00]

ATTORNEY General Mumba Malila has said the conviction of Francis Kaunda and Faustin Kabwe is a confirmation that the prosecution of high-profile individuals is not politically motivated but based on evidence in the courts. And the Task Force on Corruption said the conviction of Kaunda and Kabwe is a sign that the fight against corruption is not in vain. Meanwhile, Kabwe has applied for bail pending appeal in the Lusaka High Court.

Commenting on the conviction of former Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) chairman Kaunda and former Access Financial Services director Kabwe by the Magistrates’ Court after finding them guilty of conspiring to defraud ZCCM, Malila, who was cheered by the conviction, hoped that it would serve as a warning to the other corrupt people.

“It does not pay to be corrupt because sooner or later, the long arm of the law will catch up with you,” Malila warned. “I’m very happy with the conviction, I am delighted with the manner in which it was handled.”
He noted that the anti-corruption fight that the government embarked on was bearing fruits.

Malila paid glowing tribute to the Judiciary for the manner in which they dealt with corruption cases.

“I want to express my happiness at the manner in which the Judiciary is dealing with issues of corruption,” said Malila.

On the convictions, the Task Force on Corruption through their public relations officer Victor Makai described the convictions as motivating on their part in the fight against the vice.

“We are very happy that we have registered a victory in the court, we’ve done our job and we managed to get a conviction, for Mr Kabwe we have several cases in the court,” Makai said.

He added that the convictions were facilitated by the government’s political will in the fight against corruption.

“We are happy that such convictions are as a result of the political will that we have received from the present government,” he said.
Makai warned all the people engaging in corrupt activities that they would be brought to book.

“My final warning is: if you are involved in corruption wherever you are, we will get you, we will continue to pursue and carry out investigations diligently to ensure that all cases are brought to their natural conclusion,” he warned.

Makai pledged the Task Force’s commitment to pursuing all the necessary assets plundered from the people of Zambia and bringing all the culprits to book.

“We are ready and willing to pursue everybody and anybody who is involved in corrupt activities or abuse of authority of office,” promised Makai.

In the Lusaka High Court, incarcerated Kabwe has applied for bail pleading that if he were to be granted bail, he would abide by all the conditions.

Kabwe explained that throughout the hearing of his case, which has now resulted in his conviction, he had been on bail and that he complied with all the terms stipulated by the court.

He stated that he was informed by his advocates that given the sentence of two years imprisonment that was meted out on him, he was likely to be in prison for 16 months while waiting for his appeal.

Kabwe added that taking into account the workload at the High Court, it was unlikely that the record of appeal containing the testimonies of all the 26 prosecution witnesses would be ready, making it possible to render his appeal academic.

He has since lodged a notice of appeal in the High Court.
On Wednesday this week, High Court deputy registrar Edward Musona sitting as magistrate sentenced Kabwe and his counterpart Kaunda to two years imprisonment with hard labour after finding them guilty of conspiring to defraud ZCCM.

Kaunda was also jailed two years on a charge of abuse of authority of office but will only serve two years since his sentences will will run concurrently.

Kabwe is currently facing several corruption charges in the court. He is jointly charged with former President Frederick Chiluba and Aaron Chungu in a theft case involving about US$500,000 stolen using the Zamtrop Account and was found liable by a London judge Peter Smith together with Chiluba and others for defrauding Zambia out of millions of dollars.

Kabwe is also facing corruption charges together with former finance minister Katele Kalumba and others.
The bail application hearing comes up today.

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