
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Google ranks Post website among world's best links

Google ranks Post website among world's best links
By Chibaula Silwamba
Saturday August 16, 2008 [04:01]

INTERNET search engine Google has ranked The Post’s website as one of the best website links in the world. According to Google page rank, The Post newspaper website – – was ranked on the sixth position among the websites. This means The Post website is among the fourth best links worldwide.

The pagerank is based on a scale of one to 10th position, with10 being the best. A pagerank is given to every single individual website page on any website Google has indexed.

South African company, Afrihost that hosts The Post’s website said page rank indicated how important Google thinks a website is. Afrihost director Brendan Armstrong explained that Google assigns websites a page rank out of ten so that it could return the most relevant content.

“No one knows the exact formula Google uses to get to this number, but a website’s popularity, age, quality of content all goes towards this.

To put a page rank of six into perspective, one needs to look at other websites with similar rank. e.g., HYPERLINK "" are on sixth position and these are multibillion Rand companies,” Armstrong said.

“I doubt if there are many Zambian websites that have a page rank of six or higher. I believe The Post website has this good rank because you have been around for a while and your content is vast and good. Therefore, many people link to your site which helps the rank.”

“There is no easy way to get a good rank but through time and dedication to the site. Websites take a lot of time and work and money to get page rank quickly,” Armstrong said. “Many people believe the ranking is not a simple linear one but rather a logarithmic one.

This means that each successive increment is substantially better than the previous one. However, only Google knows the exact logarithmic scale they use. What we do know is that page rank of five is substantially higher than a page rank of four which in turn is substantially higher than a page rank of three.”

Armstrong said the ranking of The Post website was a good indication for advertisers to know that many people were seeing their adverts.

“As far as advertisers go, it is of great value for them to have their adverts on your website. Adverts on your website that link them will help their website rankings because Google will think they are also good websites,” said Armstrong. “You can see page rank here: HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" This is a good place to check page rank it shows you how important Google thinks your site is.”

And a Post Newspapers Limited’s subsidiary, Post ISP Zambia general manager Joe Kaunda said the ranking confirmed that The Post website was widely read globally.

“We are certainly humbled that an internationally acclaimed entity like Google can recognize the efforts put into, the online edition of The Post,” Kaunda said.

“This also confirms that we have not just been serving the local Zambian population but the international community as a whole.

We do understand that this is no mean feat but we will continue to work with our partners both locally and abroad, like Afrihost, to ensure that we continue to deliver quality services and news to the world.”

Kaunda assured the advertisers that was a good website for them to market their goods and services.

“As for the business community, this is testimony that once you advertise your goods and services via you are guaranteed of not just mere wide but global reach, and this is confirmed by Google. In this vein we are looking forward to providing increased exposure for our clients,” said Kaunda.


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I can't find the rankings which postzambia is claiming to have been ranked on. I have browsed hundreds of better websites than the postzambia website. Fred Mmembe and his people are not being sincere about the rankings by google.

  2. Anonymous1:40 PM

    You are too much into Zimbabwe of late and less post.I would have loved to read todays editorial.

  3. Anonymous 1:40,

    Check out: and type in - the Post has a page ranking of '6', as is mentioned in the article.

    I haven't found much more on it, but apparently that is a very good ranking in Google's universe. :)

    All I know is about page optimisation and factors such as link popularity, stickiness, relevance, age of the article, etc.

  4. The Post's ranking would be even higher if they made only recent news subscription only and added a comments feature like the Lusaka Times has done.

    Both would increase the 'stickiness' of their website (it would keep readers on their website longer) which would improve their ranking even more.

    I wonder why The Post made the decision not to go the high traffic route and rely on advertising and Google for revenues instead of going subscription only.

    But that's just me.

  5. COMMENT - Perhaps time to thank MrK, since I provided most of the Link Popularity. :) The Post articles on The Post's website weren't found easily through Google. The pages on this blog can and show up very highly ranked. Google the title of any recent Post article, and Maravi will lead you to it. Just a thought.


    Microfinance loans increase

    and see what I mean. :)

    The visitors then land on this page;
    a significant number will click on the link to The Post's article;
    they either
    a) have no subscription to The Post and get one or just read the main page or
    b) have a subscription, and continue to read the articles at The Post

    This 'stickiness' then contributes to a higher approval rating by Google's analysis software and improves the rank of The Post's website itself.

    It also helps that is already owned by Google and as such is pre-vetted against adult sites, link farms, etc.

    But within the top ten percentile worldwide is pretty good. :)
