
Saturday, August 09, 2008

Harrison calls for equal distribution of wealth

Harrison calls for equal distribution of wealth
By Agness Changala
Saturday August 09, 2008 [04:01]

ZAMBIA has an interesting set of challenges in the years to come because of the effected tax regime, outgoing British High Commissioner to Zambia Alistair Harrison has said. In an interview shortly after announcing the names of Zambians who have been awarded scholarships to study in the United Kingdom, High Commissioner Harrison said the effecting of the tax regime was a challenge to the government as they were required to make difficult decisions.

"It's up to the government to know and make good choices of developing infrastructure in the education, transport and health systems," he said. High Commissioner Harrison said it was also important that Zambia's economic boom trickled down to the poor.

Earlier, when presenting the British scholarships to 19 Zambians to undertake post-graduate studies in the UK for the September intake, High Commissioner Harrison said girls should be pushed to full potential in education, as it would contribute to the development of the nation.

He expressed worry at the quality of education that the vulnerable were exposed to considering that they were future leaders.

High Commissioner Harrison said the scholarships were part of the British government's programme to promote greater capacity for the next generation of Zambian leaders and to further develop the excellent relationship between the two countries.

"The schemes aim to nurture talented Zambian scholars with the potential to become future leaders in their field," said High Commissioner Harrison.

And one of the recipients of the scholarships talked to said she deserved the scholarship because she had worked hard in her entire life.

Mususu Kosta is currently at the University of Zambia (UNZA) as Staff Development Fellow (SDF).

Kosta, who is also the first female lecturer at the UNZA in the School of Mines at the Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing, said she would study Advanced Engineering at Liverpool University. The scholarships were awarded to 10 females and nine males.

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