
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

(HERALD) Cops quizzed over bombing

Cops quizzed over bombing
Herald Reporter

A NUMBER of police officers at the Harare Central Police Station have been questioned in connection with the explosion at the station on Saturday night amid growing suspicion that the bombing might have been an inside job. Sources close to the investigations yesterday said a number of uniformed policemen and detectives were questioned on suspicion that they might have been involved in the bombing.

That suspicion is buttressed by the fact that of late security at the police station has been tightened following the theft of computers and the bombs appear to have been planted by someone with expert knowledge of explosives.

Every person entering the police station is now required to leave their names and particulars while the section where the bombs were placed is rarely accessible to outsiders.

Chief spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Wayne Bvudzijena yesterday declined to shed more light on the matter.

"We can’t be talking about allegations and if we have any relevant information pertaining to the case, we will let you know," he said, when asked to comment about the quizzing of several policemen.

But a police officer at the police station said investigations were focusing on the origins of the bomb.

"We must first establish where the bomb originated from. There must be accountability," he said.

He said they were taking stock and checking the rooms where explosives and exhibits were kept.

Police recovered two unexploded bombs on the first floor of the CID Headquarters at Harare Central Police Station after a bomb detonated at the station at about 6:45pm on Saturday.

The Zimbabwe National Army Bomb Disposal Unit recovered the bombs from the first floor of the old wing, facing Kenneth Kaunda Avenue, which now houses the CID.

It is also home to the Homicide Section, which specialises in murder and armed robbery cases and is a perennial thorn in the flesh for hardcore criminals.

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