
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

(HERALD) MDC-T members uncivilised

MDC-T members uncivilised

EDITOR — Cry the beloved country! What was it that the people of Zimbabwe saw during the official opening of the Seventh Parliament by His Excellency, Cde Mugabe, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe?

Was the irresponsible and uncivilised behaviour displayed by members of MDC-T fit for an august House such as Parliament? Do these people understand what Parliament symbolises in moulding our nationhood?

By displaying such childish and unbecoming behaviour, MDC-T members, who, since the March 29 harmonised poll, have been making noises about their parliamentary ‘‘majority’’, have shown that they are not ready to be serious about issues that affect the nation. Since 2000, they have continued to behave like a pressure group. When will they mature? When will they take national issues seriously?

It took five months before this much-awaited swearing-in and official opening of Parliament took place.

The nation and even the legislators from both the House of Assembly and Senate were patiently waiting for these historical moments.

However, MDC-T members have managed to show us that they are not yet ready for high office, and that they do not care about the people they are supposed to represent. They are also not aware that they have a major responsibility to the nation.

Anyway, who is supposed to benefit from that ridiculous behaviour? The West, of course! And who will have the last laugh? The West, of course!

What a shame! It’s high time MDC-T started respecting the people. And we also ask: Where was the opposition leadership as this was happening?

Marutenga naZvanyadza.

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